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Chord dan Lirik Lagu 'Mother How are You Today' (

Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu ‘Mother How are You Today’ Milik Maywood

Prameswari Sasmita - Minggu, 22 Desember 2019 | 18:15 WIB

Sonora.ID - Lagu ‘Mother How are You Today’ merupakan lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh grup Dutch pop asal kota Uitwellingerga, Maywood.

Lagu ini menjadi salah satu lagu yang sesuai untuk rayakan hari ibu ini.

Adapun makna lagu ini adalah seorang anak perempuan yang sudah dewasa mengirim surat kepada ibunya karena dirinya merasa rindu.

Bahkan, sang anak pun berjanji akan menemui ibunya di musim panas lewat surat yang ia buat.

Berikut adalah Chord dan Lirik LaguMother How are You Today’ milik Maywood.


C G Am C G C

C           G         C    G         F         C    G7

Mother, how are you today? Here is a note from your daughter.

                      C    F          C           G         C

With me everything is oke  heeheehee. Mother, how are you today?

C G Am C G C

C             G          C     G          F       C    G7

Mother, don't worry, I'm fine. Promise to see you this summer.

                           C   F          C           G         C

This time there'll be no delay heeheehee. Mother, how are you today?

C                  Em Am      F                         G

I found the man of my dreams. Next time you will get to know him.

G                          C      F    C           G         C

Many things happened while I was away. Mother, how are you today?

C G Am C G C

C           G         C    G         F         C    G7

Mother, how are you today? Here is a note from your daughter.

                      C    F          C           G         C

With me everything is oke  heeheehee. Mother, how are you today?

tussenspel (zonder zang)

 C                  Em Am      F                         G

(I found the man of my dreams. Next time you will get to know him)

G                          C      F    C           G         C

Many things happened while I was a

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