50 Soal UASPAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dengan Kunci Jawaban.
50 Soal UASPAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dengan Kunci Jawaban. (Freepik)

50 Soal UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dengan Kunci Jawaban

Kumairoh - Rabu, 4 Desember 2024 | 23:48 WIB

Sonora.ID - Di bawah ini adalah contoh soal UAS atau PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka lengkap dengan kunci jawaban sebagai bahan belajar.

Dengan mengerjakan latihan soal-soal ini diharapkan siswa siswi bisa menguasai materi sehingga bisa mendapatkan nilai yang maksimal saat ujian nanti.

Sebagai pengingat, soal-soal ini bukanlah contekan melainkan bahan untuk belajar yang disusun sebagai latihan menjelang ujian.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban PAI Kelas 8 Halaman 23, Rajin Berlatih Pilihan Ganda

40 Soal UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dengan Kunci Jawaban

Dialog for no. 1-2
Alfa: Riana, there will be “panggung gembira” in our town square this weekend. There are many popular singers. Senior high school has no class every Saturday, so I’m free every Saturday. Will you watch “panggung gembira” with me?
Riana: I wish I could but junior high school still has 6 days school so I have class on Saturday.
Alfa : Why don’t you ask permission to your teacher? (the next morning Riana ask permission to his teacher)
Riana: Sir, ______________(1)______________?
Teacher: Sorry, ___________(2)________________. You have to study at school. If you want to watch “panggung gembira”, you can watch it on Sunday.
Alfa: OK, ma’am.

1. A. May I watch panggung gembira on Saturday?
B. Can I call Alfa to ask permission with me ?
C. Will you watch panggung gembira with me?
D. Would it be alright if I invite all my friends?
Jawaban: A

2. A. I Agree with you
B. I Think so
C. I’d love to
D. I don’t think I can make it
Jawaban: D

3. A : Shut the door, please
B :………….(agreeing)
A. Sure, I will
B. Ouch
C. Sorry I won’t do that
D. I have many works to do
Jawaban: A

4. Your friends gave you a special gift at your last birthday. What will you say to them?
A. How kind they are
B. I know what you mean
C. I don’t get it
D. What a diligent teacher
Jawaban: A

5. A : What do you think of our library ?
B : …………………………
A. It’s neat and clean, isn’t it?
B. That’s true
C. What a wonderful dress
D. Really, Actually I have a new one
Jawaban: A

6. Anjani goes to school at 6.30 am everyday, so she……comes late.
A. Always
B. Never
C. Usually
D. Sometimes
Jawaban: B

7. Antonim dari kata 'cheap' adalah....
A. Clean
B. Expensive
C. Dirty
D. Cold
Jawaban: B

8. Sadi: May I borrow your pencil case?
Sigit: ...I’m using it.
A. With pleasure
B. Yes, I do
C. I'm sorry
D. Sure
Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban PAI Kelas 8 Halaman 23, Rajin Berlatih Pilihan Ganda

9. Nando: ...a glass of coffe?
Early: Yes, please.That’s very kind of you
A. Can you make
B. Shall I have
C. Would you like
D. Could you help me
Jawaban: B

10. Alma: Why do you look so sad?
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue with denying information?
A. I've lost my best friend
B. Sorry, I don't want to talk about it
C. It's only 5 km from here
D. I've lost my cell phone
Jawaban: B

Text for No. 11-15
Every weekend I go to traditional market with my mom. There are many things I can see in the traditional market. The seller, butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stalls, groceries, fashion shops and street vendors. There are lots of vehicles in the parking lot, such as cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedi cabs. My mom usually buys vegetables such as; carrot, tomato, onion, garlic, spinach. Fruits such as mango, apple, banana, watermelon, and melon. She also buys daily needs at one of the grocery in traditional market such as; 20kg rice, 1kg of eggs, milk, tea, coffee, sugar and butter. I like shopping in traditional market. It is complete and the price is cheaper than the price in the supermarket. I can bargain the price but there is one thing I dislike. There is few trashcans in the traditional market. It’s a little bit dirty, stinky and wet during the rainy season.

11. Every weekend I go to traditional market with my mom.
The underlined word refers to…
A. The seller
B. The reader
C. The writter
D. The Butcher
Jawaban: C

50 Soal UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dengan Kunci Jawaban

12. When does the writer usually go to traditional market?
A. Every day
B. Every morning
C. Every afternoon
D. Every weekend
Jawaban: D

13. What does the writer’s mother buy in the traditional market?
A. Vegetables, Fruits and daily needs
B. Vehicles, vegetables, fruits and daily needs
C. Butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stall
D. Fashion, vegetables, fruits and daily needs
Jawaban: A

14. Which statement is not true according to the text above?
A. The price is cheap
B. The buyer can bargain the price
C. The price is fixed price ( the buyer cannot bargain the price)
D. Sometime uncomfortable in rainy season, smells bed, a bit dirty and wet.
Jawaban: C

15. It’s little bit dirty, stinky and wet during rainy season. The word “stinky” means…
A. Clean
B. Large
C. Smells bad
D. Fragrance
Jawaban: C

Dialog for no. 16-18
Susi: I often get remedial but you never get remedial and you always be the best in the class.
Dina: If you want to be the best student_____(16)____ and____(17)______
Susi: When I’m confused and don’t know the answer in the exam. I asked the answer of my friend next to me but I still got remedial. I didn’t work.
Dina: You __(18)____in the exam. Believe in yourself and do the best.

Baca Juga: 45 Contoh Soal UAS PJOK Kelas 12 Semester 1, beserta Jawabannya

16. A. You must study hard
B. You must cheating in the exam
C. You must copy your friend’s homework
D. You must studying when you’ll have examination
Jawaban: A

17. A. You mustn’t be diligent
B. You must be diligent
C. You must be lazy
D. You must confident
Jawaban: B

18. A. must not cheat
B. must trust your friend
C. must not do the best
D. mustn’t be too serious

Kunci Jawaban: A
Dialog for no. 19-20
Nana: I want to be healthy but I like eating fast food. I can’t go diet.
Rina: I think you ___(19)___have diet, to be healthy ___(20)___ eat more fruits and vegetables.