Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu ‘Courage’ yang Dinyanyikan Celine Dion

20 November 2019 12:15 WIB
Celine Dion
Celine Dion ( )

Sonora.ID - Penyanyi Celine Dion kembali meramaikan industri musik dengan merilis lagu 'Courage' pada Rabu (13/11/2019).

Lagu 'Courage' masuk dalam album baru Celine Dion judul yang sama, yang rilis pada Jumat (15/11/2019).

Album 'Courage' merupakan album pertama yang dirilis Celine Dion sejak suami sekaligus manajernya, Rene Angelil, meninggal pada tahun 2016 lalu.

Berikut adalah lirik dan chord 'Courage' - Celine Dion.

INTRO : C  G  F  Am  Em



I would be lying if I said I'm fine

C          F                        Am

I think of you at least a hundred times

              G                      C

Cause in the echo of my voice I hear your words


Just like you’re there

Am           G                  Em

I still come home from a long day


So much to talk about so much to say

           G                               Em

I love to think that we're still making plans



In conversations that'll never end

In conversations that'll never end



C                           F

Courage Don't you dare fail me now

 C                            G

I need you to keep away the doubts

    F                      Am

I'm staring in the face of something new

      C                     F

You’re all I got to hold on to 


So courage, Don't you dare fail me now


               C                    F

Cause it’s not easy When you’re not with me

              Am                  G

This world of madness Goes faster now

           C                       F

And it's a train wreck But I won’t crash yet

             Am               G

Long as your echo Never fades out

               C                    F

Cause it’s not easy When you’re not with me

              Am                  G

This world of madness Goes faster now

           C                       F

And it's a train wreck But I won’t crash yet

             Am               G

Long as your echo Never fades out

C                       F

Courage don't you dare fail me now

Baca Juga: Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu 'Benci Kusangka Sayang' Milik Sonia

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