Lirik dan Chord 'This Love' - Maroon 5, This Love Has Taken Its Toll On Me

5 Januari 2020 21:15 WIB
Lirik lagu dan chord/kunci gitar 'This Love' – Maroon 5
Lirik lagu dan chord/kunci gitar 'This Love' – Maroon 5 ( YouTube/Maroon5VEVO)

Sonora.ID - This Love merupakan salah satu single yang populer dan booming usai dibawakan oleh Maroon 5.

Lirik Lagu This Love diciptakan oleh Carmichael Jesse Royal dan Dusick Ryan Michael.

This Love adalah salah satu single yang cukup popular di Album yang bertajuk Songs About Jane. Single ini pertama kali rilis pada tahun 2002.

Lagu ini bahkan memenangkan banyak penghargaan Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group 2006, NRJ Music Award for International Song of the Year 2005, MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist 2004.

Berikut adalah lirik lagu dan chord/kunci gitar 'This Love' – Maroon 5 yang dirilis pada tahun 2002 silam :


E - Am

Dm - E

Verse 1:

E                      Am

I was so high I didn't recognize

          Dm                                  E

the fire burning in her eyes, the chaos that controlled my mind....

E                            Am

Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane

          Dm                           E

Never to return again but always in my heart


Am   Dm      G7         C

This love has taken its toll on me

Am       Dm         G            C

She said goodbye too many times before

Am  Dm        G           C

Her heart is breaking in front of me

Am         Dm    G                C      E  -  Am  -  Dm   -   E

I have no choice, cause I won't say goodbye anymore

Verse 2:

E                      Am

I tried my best to feed her appetite

          Dm                                  E

Keep her coming every night, So hard to keep her satisfied

E                            Am

Kept playing love like it was just a game

Dm                           E

Pretending to feel the same, Then turn around and leave again


Am   Dm      G7         C

This love has taken its toll on me

Am       Dm         G            C

She said goodbye too many times before

Am  Dm        G           C

Her heart is breaking in front of me

Am         Dm    G                C      E  -  Am  -  Dm   -   E

I have no choice, cause I won't say goodbye anymore



I'll fix these broken things


Repair your broken wings

E7                          Am 

And make sure everything's alright


My pressure on your hips


Sinking my fingertips


Into every inch of you

Cause I know that's what you want me to do

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu dan Chord/Kunci Gitar 'She Will Be Loved' - Maroon 5

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