Daebak! Kris Wu & Luhan Eks EXO Reuni Dalam Lagu 'Coffee', Ini Liriknya

5 April 2020 09:15 WIB
Lirik lagu'Coffee' milik Luhan dan Kris Wu Eks EXO
Lirik lagu'Coffee' milik Luhan dan Kris Wu Eks EXO ( Instagram)

Sonora.ID - Dua mantan personel boyband EXO asal Tiongkok Luhan dan Kris Wu membuat heboh EXO-L. Mengapa tidak, mereka baru saja merilis sebuah lagu berjudul ‘Coffee’.

Lagu Coffee rilis untuk pertama kalinya pada Weibo tepatnya pada 1 April 2020 silam. 

"Coffee" sendiri merupakan lagu bertempo medium dengan melodi yang enak didengar.

Liriknya lebih mengambarkan mengenai seseorang yang berusaha menghadapi masalah hidupnya dengan secangkir kopi.

Berikut lirik lagu ‘Coffee’ yang diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Inggris yang sebelumnya bahasa mandarin.

 Baca Juga: Chanyeol EXO Pamer Pose Elegan di Bali untuk Majalah HIGH CUT

I want a cup of coffee

Dust of the dirt on my shoulders

This world is crazy

 I'm feeling lazy

Give me a cup of coffee, coffee

Cannot drive away grey clouds then put on sunglasses oh

Add a filter to the sky and maintain your mood  oh

Slowing down the tempo, follow the nodding Both hands in pockets, swinging from side to side

Don't look for me in a meeting today

 Refill another cup of coffee

 Nothing here can ruin my vibe

Couples are busy dating

Rooftop and summer are the best  match

No one cares who I am

 I want a cup of coffee

Dust of the dirt on my shoulders

This world is crazy

I'm feeling lazy

Give me a cup of coffee, coffee ye

Rap: Refill me a cup of coffee ye

This feeling is  truly enchanting ye

Maybe a little in paradise

Try to lay down your guard

Feel the blue sky

Like soaring in the galaxy

Space out your mind ye

 Enjoy this moment of soft breeze

Coffee shop, forgetting time

 Tipsy as if passing through clouds

All troubles and thoughts

Taking a detour will maybe find a way

Don 't entangle with other people's decisions and thoughts

Grab a cup of Americano and get started

Looking at the scenery in daydream

 Following the road to fly

Letting go of tightened nerves

Throw away the perfection at any time

Refill another cup of Americano

Nothing here can ruin my vibe

I want a cup of coffee

Dust of the dirt on my shoulders

This world is crazy

I'm feeling lazy

Give me a cup of coffee, coffee

I want a cup of coffee

I only want a cup of ice coffee

I only want a cup  of ice coffee

 I only want a cup of ice coffee I only want

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