Lirik Lagu 'Love Coaster' - Rendy Pandugo, I Wanna See You Smile

8 Mei 2020 12:15 WIB
Lirik lagu Love Coaster Rendy Pandugo.
Lirik lagu Love Coaster Rendy Pandugo. ( Instagram/rendypandugo)

Sonora.ID - Lagu berjudul 'Love Coaster' dinyanyikan oleh penyanyi asal Indonesia, Rendy Pandugo

Berikut lirik lagu 'Love Coaster' - Rendy Pandugo.

You say, "Hello"
My heart stops beating
You say, "Goodbye"
But still want you around

Don't say a word
Don't need a question
I'll take you away
With a rocket coaster

Every time I see you
Every time I know where my heart belongs

Just hold me tight
Yeah, you'll be alright

Baby, can you feel it?
All I need is your love
I'll give you love and affection
Love is never easy
I will fight for love, loving you is so fine

I wanna see you smile under the sunlight
Sneak into your dreams at midnight
Yeah, it's alright

Don't say a word
Don't need a question
I'll take you away
With a rocket coaster

Every time I see you
Every time I know where my heart belongs

Just hold me tight
Yeah, you'll be alright

Baby, can you feel it?
All I need is your love
I'll give you love and affection
Love is never easy
I will fight for love, loving you is so fine

I wanna see you smile under the sunlight
Sneak into your dreams at midnight
Yeah, it's alright

I wanna see you smile under the sunlight
Sneak into your dreams at midnight
I wanna see you smile under the sunlight

Baby, can you feel it?
All I need is your love
I'll give you love and affection
Love is never easy
I will fight for love, loving you is so fine

I wanna see you smile under the sunlight
Sneak into your dreams at midnight
Yeah, it's alright

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