Lirik Lagu 'Breathe Again' - Rendy Pandugo, Rain Fall Down Those Feet On The Ground

8 Mei 2020 13:15 WIB
Lirik lagu Breathe Again Rendy Pandugo.
Lirik lagu Breathe Again Rendy Pandugo. ( Instagram/rendypandugo)


Sonora.ID - Lagu berjudul 'Breathe Again' dipopulerkan oleh penyanyi asal Indonesia, Rendy Pandugo.

Berikut lirik lagu 'Breathe Again' - Rendy Pandugo.

Rain fall down
Those feet on the ground
To find a way home
But they stuck around

Swap those tears
And make them believe
They'll breathe again
Till the angel comes to say, "Hi"

The kids are waiting for bed time story
And some were too busy talking 'bout the glory
Till the angel comes to say, "Hi"

You're talking about a new life
Yet people left it all behind

Swap those tears
And make them believe
They'll breathe again
Till the angel comes to say, "Hi"

Is it a new way to be a better human?
Is it a new part of the answer for a better life?
We all fall down
Just hold on
You're not alone
And you'll find your way back home

Rain fall down
Those feet on the ground
To find a way home
But they stuck around

Swap those tears
And make them believe
They'll breathe again
Till the angel comes to say, "Hi"
To say, "Hi"

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