Untuk Generasi Penerus, Ini Lirik Lagu ‘smile more smile more smile more’ Milik Honne

7 Juli 2020 10:15 WIB
Lirik Lagu ‘smile more smile more smile more’ Milik Honne
Lirik Lagu ‘smile more smile more smile more’ Milik Honne ( YouTube H O N N E)

Sonora.ID - Lagu yang berjudul ‘smile more smile more smile more’ ini adalah lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Honne yang dirilis pertama kali pada 3 Juli 2020.

Lagu ini berisikan narasi yang mengimbau generasi selanjutnya untuk bisa berbuat lebih dari dari generasi saat ini.

Berikut ini adalah Lirik Lagu ‘smile more smile more smile more’ milik Honne.

This is one for the future generation
You can ignore this if you want
Who am I to tell you what to do and not to do
But don't do what I did
Do what I didn't do
Make the choices I didn't make

Support your community
Start with your neighbor and walk outward
Introduce yourself by name
Why not go for that coffee
You always end the conversation on
Spend time with your friends and family
Call them, text them, write them a letter if you're feeling nostalgic
It might be hard, but tell them you love them
They won't be around forever
Respect the ground you walk on
Your kids are gonna walk on it someday too
And their kids after that
And you don't want your grandchildren
Only seeing elephants in picture books
Get up everyday
Make the bed all nice
Fling open the curtains
Feel the sun on your face
Love your body
Look in the mirror and think, wow, I'm amazing
Don't dwell on Instagram
There are far better things to do than that
But if I have to tell you one thing to change
Smile more, just smile more

Put down your phone
See the world through your own eyes
Create memories
Not in jpegs
Be creative
Learn a language
Even if it feels really awkward
Why worry about something now
That you won't worry about a year from now
Remember, no matter how difficult things get
The sun will always rise again tomorrow
Pay someone a compliment
The checkout sister, the postman
You'll probably make their day
I know it would make mine

Challenge yourself
Challenge others
Ask more questions
Bring something out in someone
That even they didn't know was in there

Look, no one knows where they're going
You don't have to follow a path or
You don't have to follow anything
Just do what feels right
But if I had to tell you just one thing to change
Just smile, more

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'Free Love' yang Dipopulerkan oleh HONNE

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