Lirik Lagu Dynamite - BTS, Lengkap dengan Video Klip Epiknya

21 Agustus 2020 21:15 WIB
Lirik lagu Dynamite - BTS
Lirik lagu Dynamite - BTS ( YouTube Big Hite Labels)

Sonora.ID - Boyband besutan Big Hit Entertainment BTS akhirnya merilis lagu 'Dynamite' pada 21 Agustus 2020.

Lagu ini sengaja mereka buat menggunakan lirik bahasa Inggris agar bisa lebih dekat dengan ARMY di seluruh dunia.

Pantas saja jika dengan cepat lagu 'Dynamite' memecahkan berbagai rekor di dunia musik, bahkan menghantarkan mereka meraih posisi pertama dalam list Billboard Hot 100.

BTS memberikan pesan untuk para pendengarnya untuk melakukan hal terbaik yang bisa dilakukan

Berikut lirik lagu 'Dynamite' yang dipopulerkan oleh BTS.


Cos ah ah I’m in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight

Shoes on get up in the morn
Cup of milk let’s rock and roll
King Kong kick the drum rolling on like a rolling stone
Sing song when I’m walking home
Jump up to the top LeBron
Ding dong call me on my phone
Ice tea and a game of ping pong

This is getting heavy
Can you hear the bass boom, I’m ready
Life is sweet as honey
Yeah this beat cha ching like money
Disco overload I’m into that I’m good to go
I’m diamond you know I glow up
Hey, so let’s go

Cos ah ah I’m in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I’mma light it up like dynamite, woah

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu '10.000 Hours' yang Dicover Jungkook BTS

Bring a friend join the crowd
Whoever wanna come along
Word up talk the talk just move like we off the wall
Day or night the sky’s alight
So we dance to the break of dawn
Ladies and gentlemen, I got the medicine so you should keep ya eyes on the ball, huh

This is getting heavy
Can you hear the bass boom, I’m ready
Life is sweet as honey
Yeah this beat cha ching like money
Disco overload I’m into that I’m good to go
I’m diamond you know I glow up
Let’s go

Cos ah ah I’m in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I’mma light it up like dynamite, woah

Dynnnnnanana, life is dynamite
Dynnnnnanana, life is dynamite
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I’mma light it up like dynamite, woah

Dynnnnnanana eh
Dynnnnnanana eh
Dynnnnnanana eh
Light it up like dynamite

Dynnnnnanana eh
Dynnnnnanana eh
Dynnnnnanana eh
Light it up like dynamite

Cos ah ah I’m in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I’mma light it up like dynamite

Cos ah ah I’m in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I’mma light it up like dynamite, woah

Dynnnnnanana, life is dynamite
Dynnnnnanana, life is dynamite
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I’mma light it up like dynamite, woah

Baca Juga: 1.083 BTS USO di Wilayah 3T Bakal Terkoneksi 4G LTE Telkomsel

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