Baru Rilis, Ini Lirik Lagu 'Lie Like This' Milik Julia Michaels

26 Oktober 2020 19:15 WIB
Lirik lagu Lie Like This.
Lirik lagu Lie Like This. ( )

Sonora.ID - Penyanyi Julia Michaels baru saja merilis single terbarunya berjudul 'Lie Like This' pada Rabu (21/10/2020) lalu.

Berikut lirik lagu 'Lie Like This' Julia Michaels:

He says I'm pretty upside down
Pretty right side up to
Turn me half way round

He says I'm emotionally sound
Emotionally fucked too
Now I'm all turned around

He says I'm daydreaming about leaving for no reason
Well I got hay fever from my feelings, yet I don't

Head on your shoulder, you keep pulling me close
I'm spilling over trying not to unfold
I don't need to tell you but I'm letting you know
The truth is I can't resist
Whenever we lie like this
Held onto horses but I'm letting them go
We're right on course to never stop or go slow
I don't need to tell you but I'm letting you know
The truth is I can't resist
Whenever we lie like this

Like this lie like
Lie like this lie like
Can't resist
Whenever we
Like this lie like
Lie like this lie like
Can't resist

He says I'm kinda too up front
When I'm driving from the backseat
So lead me where you want

He says I'm a little too hard to handle
A little too tough to get to
But beautiful once you breakthrough

He says I'm daydreaming about leaving for no reason
Well I got hay fever from my feelings, yet I don't

Head on your shoulder, you keep pulling me close
I'm spilling over trying not to unfold
I don't need to tell you but I'm letting you know
The truth is I can't resist
Whenever we lie like this
Held onto horses but I'm letting them go
We're right on course to never stop or go slow
I don't need to tell you but I'm letting you know
The truth is I can't resist
Whenever we lie like this

Like this lie like
Lie like this lie like
Can't resist
Whenever we
Like this lie like
Lie like this lie like
Can't resist

Head on your shoulder, you keep pulling me close
I'm spilling on over trying not to unfold
I don't need to tell you but I'm letting you know
The truth is I can't resist
Whenever we lie like this
Held onto horses but I'm letting them go
We're right on course to never stop or go slow
I don't needa tell you but I'm letting you know
The truth is I can't resist
Whenever we lie like this

Lie like this lie like
Lie like this lie like
Can't resist
Whenever we
Like this lie like
Lie like this lie like
Can't resist

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