Terbaru, Ini Lirik Lagu 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay' Oleh Mahen

3 Maret 2021 14:15 WIB
Lirik Lagu Petrus Mahendra It's Okay To Not Be Okay
Lirik Lagu Petrus Mahendra It's Okay To Not Be Okay ( instagram/@petrusmahendra)

Sonora.ID -Lagu 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay' merupakan lagu dari Mahen. Lagu ini merupakan lagu terbarunya yang diunggah pada 28 Februari 2021. 

Hingga artikel ini ditulis, lagu ini telah diputar lebih dari 331.888 kali. Berikut ini lirik lagu beserta chord gitarnya:

You don't have to hide the tears behind the rain
Don't have to find someone to blame
You don't have to understand the pain
Cause things won't stay the same

You're overthinking, it's 3am
Pretending that it's not the ending
It's okay to cry sometimes
If that's your way to heal today
It's okay to feel like
There are things you can't control
It's okay to not be okay

You don't have to clear the pictures on your phone
Sometimes you just have to walk alone

You're overthinking
Pretending that it's not the ending
It's okay to cry sometimes
If that's your way to heal today
It's okay to feel like
There are things you can't control
It's okay to not be okay

It's okay to feel like
There are things you can't control
It's okay to not be okay

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'Cinta Selesai' - Mahen, Dalam perjalanan cinta Siapa yang tak terluka

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