Lirik Lagu 'It's Just A Cigarette And It Cannot be That Bad' – Princess Chelsea

23 April 2021 17:15 WIB
It's Just A Cigarette, And It Cannot be That Bad - Princess Chelsea.
It's Just A Cigarette, And It Cannot be That Bad - Princess Chelsea. ( Youtube/Lil' Chief Records)

Sonora.ID - Lirik Lagu 'It's Just A Cigarette And It Cannot be That Bad' merupakan lagu milik Princess Chelsea.

Rupanya, lagu ini menjadi salah satu lagu yang viral di tik-tok. Lagu bergenre Alternativee Indie ini banyak digunakan oleh para kreator sebagai backsound konten.

Berikut ini lirik lagu 'It's Just A Cigarette And It Cannot be That Bad':

It's just a cigarette, and it cannot be that bad
Honey, don't you love me and you know it makes me sad?
It's just a cigarette like you always used to do
I was different then, I don't need them to be cool

It's just a cigarette, and it harms your pretty lungs
Well, it's only twice a week, so there's not much of a chance
It's just a cigarette; it'll soon be only ten
Honey, can you trust me?, when I want to stop I can

t's just a cigarette, and it's just a Marlboro Light
Maybe, but is it worth it if we fight?
It's just a cigarette that I got from Jamie-Lee
She's gonna get a smack, and I'm gonna give you three

It's just a cigarette and I only did it once (It's just a cigarette it'll soon be only ten)
It's only twice a week, so there's not much of a chance (It'll make you sick, girl, there's not much of a chance)

It's just a cigarette, and I'm sorry that I did it (It's just a cigarette, you'll be sorry that you did it)
Honey, can you trust me?, when I want to stop I can

La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la
La la, la la la la la la

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'You Make Me' milik DAY6 Beserta Terjemahan Indonesianya

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