Rilis Single Terbaru, Lirik Lagu 'Don't Know Why’ Milik Maudy Ayunda

19 Juli 2021 09:15 WIB
Maudy Ayunda
Maudy Ayunda ( Instagram @maudyayunda)

Sonora.ID – Setelah menyelesaikan kuliah S2 di Stanford University, Maudy Ayunda kembali merilis single terbarunya.

Lagu berjudul 'Don't Know Why’ tersebut rilis pada Jumat, (16/7/2021). Video klip lagu ini tayang di YouTube Trinity Optima Production.

Lagu yang diciptakan oleh Maudy Ayunda tersebut mengisahkan tentang perasaan mati rasa dalam sebuah hubungan.

Berikut ini lirik lagu ‘Don’t Know Why’ milik Maudy Ayunda:


When I'm with you
I feel lonely
I don't know why

When I wake up
I no longer think of you
I don't know why

Baby the silence is loud now
You shout but I don't hear a thing
You love but I don't feel a thing

Baby the fire is out now
You know I've tried everything
But I feel numb

I can't
Seem to find the words to say
Find a good reason to stay
With you

And I can't
Seem to find another way
To feel more than I do today
For you

When I wake up
I no longer think of you
I don't know why

Baby the fire is out now
You know I've tried everything
But I feel numb

And I don't know why
I don't wanna run from this easy
But I gotta stay true
To me and myself like i promised
I gotta be real and be honest

Baca Juga: Ramalan Soal Kematiannya yang Disebut Tragis Jadi Heboh, Roy Kiyoshi: Itu Curhatan Aku

I can't
Seem to find
The words to say
I don't wanna stay with you
I don't wanna stay with you

Can't seem
To find a way
To love you

I can't
Can't seem to find my way
And I don't know, and I don't know, I don't know why
Can't seem to find my love
My love
And I don't know why.

 Baca Juga:  Lirik Lagu 'Perahu Kertas' - Maudy Ayunda, Lengkap dengan Chord Gitar

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