Lirik Lagu 'Teenage Mona Lisa' Milik Alfie Castley dengan Terjemahan

27 Januari 2022 05:15 WIB
Lirik lagu teenage mona lisa.
Lirik lagu teenage mona lisa. ( )

Sonora.ID - Lagu berjudul 'Teenage Mona Lisa' dipopulerkan oleh penyanyi sekaligus penulis lagu asal Inggris Alfie Castley.

Berikut lirik lagu 'Teenage Mona Lisa' yang dipopulerkan oleh Alfie Castley:

-Teenage Monalisa-

Feel like I'm talkin to a teenage mona lisa
So beautiful yet so unsatisfied
And when I take a trip to paris out to meet her
If she dont care
At least I'll know I tried

Think I'm getting tired of these games now
Least the way that they played out
When your mind is on the wrong side

When I'm all alone with my thoughts now
And they got all these walls out
I will start to realize
That I dont really love you

Do you think that I know you

Feel like I'm talkin to a teenage mona lisa
So beautiful yet so unsatisfied
And when I take a trip to paris out to meet her
If she dont care
At least I'll know i tried

Standin at the top of a mountain
And you dont hear me shoutin
And I've called around a thousand times

Sighing and you dont even listen
Was it you that I'm missin
Maybe I dont wanna realize

That I dont really love you
Do you think that I know you

Feel like I'm talkin to a teenage mona lisa
So beautiful yet so unsatisfied
And when I take a trip to paris out to meet her
If she dont care
At least I'll know i tried ×2

Feel like I'm talkin to a teenage mona lisa
So beautiful yet so unsatisfied
LetsSingIt - The Internet Lyrics Database

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