Lirik Lagu 'As It Was' milik Harry Styles yang Baru Saja Dirilis

1 April 2022 13:15 WIB
As It Was - Harry Styles
As It Was - Harry Styles ( Genius)

Sonora.ID – Berikut ini lirik lagu 'As It Was' milik Harry Styles yang baru saja dirilis pada 1 April 2022.

Single utama dari album ketiga Harry yang akan datang, Harry's House, "As It Was" menampilkan Styles bernyanyi dengan suara yang agak sedih tentang perasaan kesepian dan kerinduannya akan masa lalu.

Ia menutupinya dengan synth dan suara optimis yang mengingatkan pada musik dari tahun 80-an.

Mengikuti beberapa teaser melalui kampanye You Are Home, penyanyi ini pertama kali mengumumkan judul lagu dan tanggal rilis pada 28 Maret 2022 dengan beberapa cuplikan visual dari Video Musiknya.



Come on, Harry, we wanna say goodnight to you

[Verse 1]

Holdin' me back

Gravity's holdin' me back

I want you to hold out the palm of your hand

Why don't we leave it at that?

Nothin' to say

When everything gets in the way

Seems you cannot be replaced

And I'm the one who will stay, oh-oh-oh


In this world, it's just us

You know it's not the same as it was

In this world, it's just us

You know it's not the same as it was

As it was, as it was

You know it's not the same

[Verse 2]

Answer the phone

"Harry, you're no good alone

Why are you sitting at home on the floor?

What kind of pills are you on?"

Ringin' the bell

And nobody's coming to help

Your daddy lives by himself

He just wants to know that you're well, oh-oh-oh


In this world, it's just us

You know it's not the same as it was

In this world, it's just us

You know it's not the same as it was

As it was, as it was

You know it's not the same


Go home, get ahead, light-speed internet

I don't wanna talk about the way that it was

Leave America, two kids follow her

I don't wanna talk about who's doin' it first



As it was

You know it's not the same as it was

As it was, as it was

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