Lirik Lagu 'The Very First Night' yang Dipopulerkan Taylor Swift

18 Mei 2022 10:00 WIB
Lirik lagu 'The Very First Night' - Taylor Swift
Lirik lagu 'The Very First Night' - Taylor Swift ( )

Sonora.ID - Tahun lalu, Taylor Swift merilis kembali album Red (2021) versi Taylor's Version yang membuat para penggemarnya, Swifties, merasa gembira.

Album tersebut memiliki 30 lagu, salah satunya adalah 'The Very First Night' dengan genre pop/country.

Langsung saja simak lirik lagu 'The Very First Night' yang dipopulerkan oleh Taylor Swift melalui album Red (2021).

Lirik Lagu 'The Very First Night' - Taylor Swift

I wish I could fly

I'd pick you up and we'd go back in time

I'd write this in the sky

I miss you like it was the very first night

And so it goes, every weekend, the same party

I never go alone and I don't seem broken-hearted

My friends all say they know everything I'm going through

I drive down different roads but they all lead back to you

'Cause they don't know about the night in the hotel

They weren't ridin' in the car when we both fell

Didn't read the note on the Polaroid picture

They don't know how much I miss you

I wish I could fly

I'd pick you up and we'd go back in time

I'd write this in the sky

I miss you like it was the very first night

And so it was, we never saw it comin'

Not tryin' to fall in love, but we did like children runnin'

Back then we didn't know we were built to fall apart

We broke the status quo, then we broke each other's hearts

But don't forget about the night out in L.A.

Danced in the kitchen, chased me down through the hallway

No one knows about the words that we whispered

No one knows how much I miss you

I wish I could flu

I'd pick you up and we'd go back in time

I'd write this in the sky

I miss you like it was the very first night

Take me away, take me away

Take me away to you, to you

Take me away, take me away

Take me away to you, to you

I remember the night at the hotel

I was ridin' in the car when we both fell

I'm the one on the phone as you whisper

"Do you know how much I miss you?"

I wish that we could go back in time

And I'd say to you

I miss you like it was the very first night

I wish I could fly

I'd pick you up and we'd go back in time

I'd write this in the sky

I miss you like it was the very first night

Take me away

(Take) take me away to you, to you

(Take) take me away, (take) take me away

(Take) take me away to you, to you

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu ‘Senyum Dibalik Senja’ – Tri Suaka Feat Nabila Maharani

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