Lirik Lagu 'Pass The Dutchie' milik Musical Youth (Ost. Stranger Things)

7 Juli 2022 14:15 WIB
Pass the Dutchie - Musical Youth
Pass the Dutchie - Musical Youth ( YouTube)

Sonora.ID – Berikut ini lirik lagu 'Pass the Dutchie' milik Musical Youth yang dirilis pada 17 September 1982 silam.

'Pass The Dutchie' adalah singel hit internasional yang dinominasikan Grammy berdasarkan lagu The Mighty Diamonds 'Pass The Koutchie' yang dikombinasikan dengan elemen 'Gimme The Music' oleh artis reggae U Brown dan 'Rule The Nation' oleh vokalis Jamaika U-Roy.

Lagu asli 'Pass The Koutchie' ditulis tentang ganja, tetapi karena Musical Youth semuanya adalah anak-anak pada saat itu, bahasa gaul obatnya diganti dengan referensi makanan.

Misalnya, "Koutchie" (istilah slang untuk pot tempat ganja disimpan) menjadi "Dutchie" (bahasa gaul untuk panci rebusan Belanda) dan "herb" (istilah slang lain untuk ganja) menjadi "makanan".

Lagu ini kembali populer setelah menjadi salah satu soundtrack dari serial Netflix Stranger Things.

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'Galley Girl' - Richard Hawley, Lengkap dengan Terjemahan



This generation

Rules the nation

With version

Music happen to be the food of love

Sounds to really make you rub and scrub

(scatting) I say


Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

It a go bun, give me the music, make me jump and prance

It a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance

(Jah know!)

[Verse 1]

It was a cool and lonely breezy afternoon

(How does it feel when you've got no food?)

You could feel it cause it was the month of June

(How does it feel when you've got no food?)

So I left my gate and went out for a walk

(How does it feel when you've got no food?)

As I pass the dreadlocks' camp I heard them say

(How does it feel when you've got no food?)


Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

It a go bun, give me the music, make me jump and prance

It a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance

(Jah know!)

[Verse 2]

So I stopped to find out what was going on

(How does it feel when you've got no food?)

Cause the spirit of Jah, you know he leads you on

(How does it feel when you've got no food?)

There was a ring of dreads and a session was there in swing

(How does it feel when you've got no food?)

You could feel the chill as I seen and heard them say

(How does it feel when you've got no food?)


Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

It a go bun, give me the music, make me jump and prance

It a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance

(Jah know!)

[Bridge 1]

Now me say listen to the drummer, me say listen to the bass

Give me little music make me wind up me waist

Me say listen to the drummer, me say listen to the bass

Give me little music make me wind up me waist, I say


Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

It a go bun, give me the music, make me jump and prance

It a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance

(Jah know!)

[Bridge 2]

You play it on the radio

And so me say, we a go hear it on the stereo

And so me know you a go play it on the disco

And so me say, we a go hear it on the stereo


Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side

It a go bun, give me the music, make me jump and prance

It a go dung, give me the music, make me rockin' at the dance

(Jah know!)


I say east, say west, say north and south

This is gonna really make us jump and shout

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