Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense
Contoh Kalimat Verbal Simple Past
1. My mom and I went to the zoo yesterday. (Saya dan ibu pergi ke kebun binatang kemarin)
2. I played football last week. (Saya bermain bola minggu lalu)
3. Arini did not attend my birthday party. (Arini tidak menghadiri pesta ulang tahun saya)
4. Last monday, We didn’t come to the opening ceremony. (Senin kemarin, kami tidak datang ke upacara pembukaan)
5. Did you go to the school yesterday? (Apakah kamu pergi ke sekolah kemarin?)
6. Did your dad give you money? (Apakah ayahmu memberimu uang?)
7. I cooked fried rice for breakfast. (Saya memasak nasi goreng untuk sarapan tadi)
8. She borrowed my pen. (Dia meminjam pulpenku tadi)