Berikut Ini Lirik Lagu 'Clouded' yang Dinyanyikan oleh Brent Faiyaz

3 Januari 2023 12:15 WIB
Lirik Lagu 'Clouded' - Brent Faiyaz
Lirik Lagu 'Clouded' - Brent Faiyaz ( YouTube)

Sonora.ID – Berikut ini lirik laguClouded’ yang dinyanyikan oleh Brent Faiyaz yang dirilis pada 7 Februari 2020 silam.

Melansir dari Genius, "Clouded" mengilustrasikan obsesi Brent tentang bagaimana dia akan dikenang atau apakah dia akan memberikan dampak yang berarti bagi dunia sebelum dia meninggal.

Dia merenungkan makna sebenarnya dari apa yang telah diajarkan masyarakat kepada kita, tentang apa yang paling penting: seks, uang, dan obat-obatan, dan menunjukkan sebagian dari sikap "bodo amat" sambil memberikan pengalamannya yang menyusahkan dalam hidup dan wawasan tentang perasaannya yang tidak bahagia.

 Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu ‘OMG’ - NewJeans serta Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia



That shit definitely broken

Gotta get it how you live

Everybody talking 'bout R&B shit

I'm just talking me shit

You know what I mean?

Let me hear that


I gave it all for a fantasy

Is anybody gon' remember me?

If I go tonight, I doubt the world'll change

I just pray they don't forget my name

Is it game rules? I can't lose

When it's all said and done, will I still be cool?

Spent like (How much?), ten thousand (Ten thousand)

Twenty thousand (twenty thousand), thirty thousand (Thirty thousand)

Forty thousand (Forty thousand)

How much I'ma spend profilin'?

She come in and compliment my closet

Fuck her on the floor like I don't give a fuck 'bout it

Your judgement get clouded when you clouted

My opposition wish I'd stop smilin'

My family wish I'd stop wildin'

I'm still on the east side smokin' with my OG's

'Cause they the only ones that really know me

I was fuckin' superstars when I was nineteen (Mm)

The shit we did, you won't believe me

Now I'm at the turn up, lookin' lonely

Then they wonder why I'm quiet at them house parties

'Cause everybody see me (See me)

Roll some blunts and hit her once and now she need me (Need me)

Her nigga wanna be me (Yeah)

But they don't know I'm fightin' demons

I feel like dyin' every season

I've been swimmin' in the deep end

All my bitches know I'm leavin' at some point (Mm, I'm out)

Whether there's a reason or not

Don't try givin' me reasons to stop

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