8. "I don't get score as high as yours."
Arti: Aku tidak mendapatkan nilai setinggi kamu.
9. "My new laptop can run the task as fast as I want."
Arti: Laptopku bisa berjalan secepat yang aku mau.
10. "I am as beautiful as my mom."
Arti: Aku secantik ibuku.
Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Tempat Lengkap dengan Artinya
11. "The task is not as difficult as you imagine."
Arti: Tugas itu tidak sesulit yang kamu bayangkan.
12. "Asking for forgiveness isn’t always as easy as saying, “I’m sorry”."
Arti: Meminta maaf tidak selalu semudah mengatakan, “Maafkan saya”.
13. "I think I have as many friends as him."
Arti: Saya pikir saya memiliki teman sebanyak dirinya.
14. "He drives as carefully as my father in the residential area."
Arti: Dia menyetir sehati-hati ayah saya di kawasan perumahan.
15. "I can’t drive as fast as they want."
Arti: Saya tidak dapat mengemudi secepat yang mereka inginkan.
16. "I don't think we could finish the project as fast as their team."
Arti: Aku pikir kita tidak bisa menyelesaikan proyeknya secepat tim mereka.
17. "You're still as beautiful, smart, and elegant as the first I met you."
Arti: Kamu masih cantik, pintar, dan anggun seperti pertama kali aku bertemu denganmu.
18. "You lead this team as wise as your dad."
Arti: Kamu memimpin tim ini sebijak ayahmu.
19. "Giselle is as smart as her brother."
Arti: Giselle sepintar kakak laki-lakinya.
Baca Juga: 25 Contoh Kalimat Ajakan dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Arti
20. "The phone is as expensive as the laptop."
Arti: Ponselnya semahal laptop.
21. "Grilled chicken is as delicious as fried chicken"
Arti: Ayam bakar sama lezat nya dengan ayam goreng.
22. "The cow is as big as your car"
Arti: Sapi ini sama besarnya dengan mobilmu.
23. "Chemistry is as difficult as mathematics."
Arti: Kimia sama susahnya dengan matematika.
24. "The job is not as difficult as you imagine."
Arti: Pekerjaan itu tidak sesulit yang kamu bayangkan.
25. "She drives as carefully as my grandfather in the residential area."
Arti: Dia menyetir sehati-hati kakek saya di kawasan perumahan.
26. Karina's house is not as large as Ningning's house
Arti: Rumah Karina tidak seluas rumah Ningning.
27. "My car is not as expensive as your bag."
Arti: Tas saya tidak semahal tas kamu.
28. "Your dress is not as good as my mother’s dress"
Arti: Gaun kamu tidak sebagus dengan gaun buatan ibuku.
29. "This bag aren't as bad as I imagined"
Arti: Tas ini tidak sejelek yang aku bayangkan.
30. "My mother is as pretty as me."
Arti: Ibuku sama cantiknya denganku.
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