Scan Sertifikat Magang
Pas Foto Terbaru
Demikian surat lamaran ini saya buat. Saya siap dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya apabila saya memenuhi syarat. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Adi Nugraha
6. To: [Email HRD perusahaan]
Cc : [Email perusahaan yang lainnya jika ada]
Subject: [Nama pelamar]-[posisi yang dilamar]
Dengan hormat, Perkenalkan saya:
Nama : Andi Budiman
Umur : 25 tahun
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki
Pendidikan Terakhir : S1 Ekonomi
No. Telepon : 081324567345
Dengan surat lamaran ini saya mengajukan permohonan kerja di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin untuk menempati posisi sebagai posisi Digital Marketing.
Saya memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai Digital Marketing selama 5 tahun di 2 perusahaan. Keahlian saya adalah dapat mengelola campaign iklan di Google Ads, Facebook/IG ads dan Tik Tok Ads. Selain itu saya juga memiliki beberapa sertifikasi resmi terkait digital marketing.
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan saya telah melampirkan beberapa berkas penting sebagai berikut:
1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
2. Scan Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
3. Scan Ijazah Terakhir
4. Scan Surat Keterangan Dokter
5. Pas Photo format .jpeg (1 file)
6. Sertifikat
Demikian surat lamaran kerja yang saya buat, dengan lamaran ini kami berharap agar dapat diterima di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
Terima kasih.
Hormat saya
Andi Budiman
7. Untuk Part Time
Subjek: Lamaran Pekerjaan Paruh Waktu/Part Time
Dengan hormat,
Perkenalkan saya Anisa berusia 22 tahun, seorang lulusan SMK jurusan Tata Boga. Saya juga merupakan mahasiswa jurusan Pariwisata Universitas Lingkar Budaya.
Melalui surat ini, saya bermaksud melamar pekerjaan paruh waktu/part time sebagai baker pada toko kue yang ibu kelola, Sejahtera Cake n Bake. Untuk memperkuat pertimbangan, saya lampirkan beberapa dokumen sebagai berikut:
Curriculum Vitae
Scan KTP
Scan Ijazah Terakhir
Scan Sertifikat Kompetensi
Scan Sertifikat Lomba Kreasi Roti Tingkat Provinsi
Pas Foto Terbaru
Demikian surat lamaran kerja ini saya sampaikan. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Baca Juga: 10+ Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Perawat dari Fresh Graduate, D3, dan S1
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja via Email (Bahasa Inggris)
8. To: [Email HRD perusahaan]
Cc : [Email perusahaan yang lainnya jika ada]
Subject: [Nama pelamar]-[posisi yang dilamar]
Dear Human Resources team of [nama perusahaan] My name is [nama pelamar], a professional [posisi yang dilamar]. I've got information that [nama perusahaan] is open hiring, and I am interested in getting an opportunity for the [posisi yang dilamar] position.
According to that, I know that the combination of my experience and motivation to [deskripsi keahlian] will make me a potential candidate for the position. I've experience and skills in [pengalaman dan keahlian]. I was responsible for [bidang yang dikuasai]. [Tuliskan pengalaman kerja lain diposisi yang dilamar sebagai tambahan] T
hose experiences and skills I thought could have contributed to fulfilling the jobs. With that being said, in this email I attached my curriculum vitae and portfolio. I have a big hope that I could have a chance to interview with the [nama perusahaan] team. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Best regards
[Nama terang]
[Nomor telepon atau alamat email]
9. To:
Cc: –
Subject: Application for the Position of Underwear Designer
Dear Hiring Manager of Underwear Kita
I was interested in the vacancy for the position of Underwear Designer at Ceria Garment. Reading the requirements, I believe my background and experience match the responsibilities. I’m excited to submit my application.
I earned my bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design at 2022 from University of Surabaya. A fresh graduate but I have some experiences during college. One of them is assisting a top nightwear designer, Maria Thosa, to participate in the Kota Sejuta Fashion Week in 2019.
I have attached my CV and portfolio in this letter. If you require any further information, please feel free to let me know.
I appreciate your quick response. Thank you for your consideration.
Yashinta Tiara
10. Untuk Kerja di Hotel
London, 6th February 2023
Attention to:
Mr. Philip Smith
Hiring Manager
City Centre Hotel Restaurant & Bar
Made Up Road
E12 5DD
Dear Mr. Smith,
My name is Mary Olsen and I am interested in your current vacancy for a waitress.
Presently I’m working in a similar role serving patrons in a fast paced, high pressure restaurant environment.
I have a reputation for delivering excellent service to customers and ensuring their satisfaction at all times.
I am familiar with your hotel restaurant and am aware of its excellent reputation and am also confident that I can fit in well with your existing team.
I believe that my experience of guest relations, hospitality, and my knowledge about food and beverages can greatly strengthen your business.
As you can also see from my attached CV I have excellent communication skills and have previous relevant experience of working in pubs, canteens, and cafeterias.
I would very much welcome a personal meeting with you to discuss your needs and my ability to meet them.
My schedule is flexible and I am available for interviews during the day, evening and at the weekend.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.
Mary Olsen
555 Anything Road
11. Rumah Sakit
Jakarta, May 26th 2023
Attention To:
Human Resources Department
Head Manager Happy Land Hospital
Jl. Moh Hatta no.45
Dear Sir/Madam,
Having known a job vacancy advertised on Media Indonesia, 25th May, 2023, I am interested in the position as a Nurse at Happy Land Hospital.
I have 1 year experience at my previous job in Kasih Ibu Hospital. I may inform you that I have some skills, my computer skills are good, and I graduated from Muhammadiyah Malang University.
I am looking for another experience for me to get a better life actually. Position as a nurse in this hospital is the best opportunity for me. For your consideration, I attached my curriculum vitae:
Name : Mona Eliza
Place/date of birth : Jalan Ndalem Margi No. 45 Sukoharjo
Email :
Status : Not Married
Last Education : Nursing Graduate
I am looking forward to talking about my potential through the interview. Thank you.
Mona Eliza
12. Bank
To : HRD of Swiss Bank
East Park, Zurich, 8022, Switzerland
Dear Sir/Madam,
Let me introduce myself, my name is Rosaliana Emerlad, I am twenty six years old.
I graduated from the Management Accounting Department of California University on August, 26th 2023.
I consider myself to have qualifications as a Bank Teller. I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work as a team or as an individual.
Besides that, I have adequate computer skills, and some tax counting.
With my qualifications, I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could follow your recruitment test luckily.
As a consideration, I attach for supported data:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photo
3. Soft copy ID Card
4. Soft copy of Bachelor Degree Certificate
5. Soft copy Academic Transcript
I hope to give a chance interview and can explain more about myself. On attention and I wish to say thank you.
Rosaliana Emerlad
Demikian beberapa contoh surat lamaran kerja via email dalam bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris.
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