Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Brosur Bahasa Inggris Beragam Tema, Simple, Menarik
Contoh Kalimat Degree of Comparison
Similarity/Positive Degree
- My mother is as big as my sister (sama besarnya)
- My Mother is not as big as my sister (tidak sama besarnya)
- Luna is as tall as Rubi (sama tingginya)
- Mario is as clever as Wira (sama pintarnya)
- Budi entered that scary house carefully as I did (sama hati-hatinya)
- My son easts fast as I do (sama cepatnya)
- My grandmother’s age is as your grandfather’s age is (sepantar)
Comparative Degree
- Aghnia is smarter than Noni (lebih pintar dari)
- This song is more interesting than that song (lebih menarik)
- Lucy is taller than Nancy (lebih tinggi dari)
- My father is younger than my mother (lebih muda)
- Red hat is cheaper than the other one (lebih murah)
- My brother bigger than my mother (lebih besar)
- This knife is sharper than that knife (lebih tajam)
Superlative Degree
- My mother is the oldest in my family (paling tua)
- This snake is the fastest (paling cepat)
- This bowl is the smallest one (paling kecil)
- Niza is the most intelligent student in my school (paling pintar)
- Kevin is the most handsome man in the club (paling tampan)
- Banana split is the most delicious ice cream in Cafe Milan (paling enak).
Baca Juga: 8 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Beragam Tema serta Artinya
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16 Februari 2025 22:20 WIB
16 Februari 2025 19:40 WIB
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16 Februari 2025 18:55 WIB