5 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Bersyukur, Singkat tapi Sangat Bermakna!

28 Februari 2023 13:20 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang bersyukur
Ilustrasi contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang bersyukur ( unsplash.com)

Sonora.ID - Artikel kali ini akan membahas tentang contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang bersyukur yang singkat tapi sangat bermakna.

Kamu bisa menyampaikan berbagai macam gagasan serta informasi melalui pidato yang dilakukan di depan banyak audiens.

Ada banyak sekali topik yang bisa disampaikan melalui media penyampaian pesan tersebut, salah satunya adalah bersyukur.

Topik bersyukur ini bisa kamu sampaikan melalui pidato Bahasa Inggris agar mencapai target audiens yang lebih luas dan melatih kemampuan speaking dalam bahasa asing tersebut.

Langsung saja simak 5 contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang bersyukur berikut ini yang memiliki makna dalam dan singkat berdasarkan rangkuman berbagai sumber.

1. Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Bersyukur I

Baca Juga: Contoh Pidato Singkat Islami, Lengkap Beserta Hadist atau Dalilnya

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
The honorable teachers
The respectable master of ceremony
And my beloved friends
Dear my brothers and sisters
First of all let's pray and thanks to Allah SWT for all the mercy and blessings so we can attend this event. Secondly, peace and salutation has been with our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from the darkness to lightness.
I also would like to say thank you for the master of ceremony who has kindly provided the time for me to speak in front of the audience. In this opportunity, I would like to deliver my speech about "The Importance of Being Grateful"
Being grateful for every moment in our life is very important. That means we cheered and appreciate all the time and all the blessing that Allah SWT has given to us.
Being grateful can make us avoid of being envious with other people life. If we being grateful of our life we will not be greedy and envious with what other people have.
Also, we can understand that every person have their own struggle, so we must being grateful with what we have. We must being grateful that we're all still being healthy in this situation so we can meet in this event.
That's all from me. I think it's time to finish my speech. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

2. Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Bersyukur II

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

How are all the attendees?

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