Persian has two types, namely bright and slightly dark colors. Persians have a shorter body size than other types of cats.
But they have big bones and very thick fur. So that makes Persians look bigger because of the dense fur.
Persians are very affectionate cats. They are spoiled pets and complete the family atmosphere.
Persians are quiet and spoiled cats. They are very sweet and obedient to their owners. Even Persians can be trained in some small tricks.
Persians have large, expressive eyes. When they are sad, they can show sad eyes like humans.
The Persian nose is very unique and small. This Persian head is quite distinctive, namely large and round. Equipped with beautiful eyes, this cat is very beautiful.
They have long and thick fur. His body is also quite muscular even though his legs are very short.
This cat has thick fur so the owner must often clean and comb it. Because they are spoiled cats, so treat them like little kids.