5. I wanted to follow up with you
Arti: Aku ingin menindaklanjuti padamu
6. I hope you are in the best health and spirits,
Arti: Saya berharap kamu dalam keadaan sehat.
7. It has been a while since we,
Arti: Sudah sejak lama kita.
8. It was long time not to see,
Arti: Sudah lama tidak bertemu.
9. Hello, how are you?
Arti: Halo apa kabarnya?
10. Hi, long time no see,
Arti: Hai, lama tidak bersua.
11. Based on your...
Arti: Berdasarkan pada...
12. I hope you are in the best health and spirits
Arti: Aku berharap kamu dalam keadaan sehat
13. I have received your email
Arti: Aku sudah menerima emailmu
14. I want to continue our discussion about...
Arti: Aku ingin melanjutkan diskusi kita tentang...