8. The fried rice is cooked by him.
Arti: Nasi goreng digoreng olehnya.
9. These cats are fed by my grandmother.
Arti: Kucing-kucing ini diberi makan oleh nenekku.
10. Ten roses are planted near my house.
Arti: Sepuluh bunga bawar di tanam di dekat rumahku.
11. The room is cleaned by my mother twice a week.
Arti: Ruangan itu dibersihkan ibuku seminggu dua kali.
12. The food is eaten by my sister.
Arti: Makanannya dimakan saudara perempuanku.
Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 dan Jawaban
13. I am fallen in the wet floor last night.
Arti: Aku jatuh di lantai yang basah kemarin malam.
14. Covid-19 is considered as the mostinfectious virus today.
Arti: Covid-19 dianggap sebagai virus paling menular saat ini.
15. The crown is used by the heir to the throne.
Arti: Mahkotanya digunakan pewaris takhta.
16. The room is cleaned by my mother twice a week.
Arti: Ruangan itu dibersihkan ibuku seminggu dua kali.
17. The food is eaten by my brother.
Arti: Makanannya dimakan saudara laki-lakiku.
18. I am fallen in the wet floor last night.
Arti: Aku jatuh di lantai yang basah kemarin malam.
19. COVID-19 is considered as the most infectious virus today.
Arti: COVID-19 dianggap sebagai virus paling menular saat ini.
20. The crown is used by the heir to the throne.
Arti: Mahkotanya digunakan pewaris takhta.
21. A book is bought by me in the shop.
Arti: Sebuah buku dibeli olehku di toko.
22. Many papers are needed by my sister for working.
Arti: Banyak kertas dibutuhkan oleh saudariku untuk bekerja.
Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/MI Semester 2 Untuk Latihan
23. These book are written by the best writer here.
Arti: Buku ini ditulis oleh penulis terbaik disini.
24. The homework is submitted by me to the office.
Arti: Pekerjaan rumah sudah saya serahkan ke kantor.
25. My car is repaired by him in the garage.
Arti: Mobil saya sedang diperbaiki olehnya di garasi.
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