My teacher writes in the whiteboard using a marker = Guruku menulis di papan tulis putih menggunakan spidol
There are two pens in my pencil case = Ada dua pulpen di dalam tempat pensilku
We watched a film about the process of photosynthesis through a projector = Kami menonton film tentang proses fotosintesis melalui sebuah proyektor
When the temperature of the classroom is hot, we turn on the air conditioner = Ketika suhu ruang kelas terasa panas, kami menghidupkan AC
All the students could read the announcement in the noticeboard = Semua siswa bisa membaca pengumuman di mading
Kevin carries a lot of books every day in his bag = Kevin membawa banyak buku setiap hari di tasnya
We clean the classroom every day in the morning using brooms and mops = Kami membersihkan kelas setiap hari di pagi hari menggunakan sapu dan alat pel
I put my books, pencil, pen, ruler, pencil sharpener, pencil eraser and compass into my bag before going to school = Saya memasukkan buku-buku, pensil, pena, penggaris, peraut pensil, penghapus pensil, dan jangka ke dalam tas sebelum berangkat sekolah
We are wearing sportswear because we are going to play badminton today = Hari ini kami berpakaian olahraga karena akan bermain bulu tangkis
Mr. Dewa teaches about geography with a globe = Bapak Dewa mengajari tentang geografi dengan bola dunia