Berikut Ini Lirik Lagu 'Mourning' yang Dinyanyikan oleh Post Malone

25 Mei 2023 09:45 WIB
Lirik lagu 'Mourning' - Post Malone
Lirik lagu 'Mourning' - Post Malone ( YouTube)

Sonora.ID – Berikut ini lirik laguMourning’ yang dinyanyikan oleh Post Malone dan baru dirilis pada 19 Mei 2023.

Lagu ini di produseri oleh Post Malone, Louis Bell, dan watt.

Lagu ini adalah trek ke-5 dari album AUSTIN.

Melansir Genius, "Mourning" mengisahkan Post Malone yang dikelilingi oleh teman-teman palsu yang hanya ingin memanfaatkan status dan kekayaannya.

Duka yangia rasakan ini juga mendalami tema alkoholisme, sekaligus berurusan dengan konsekuensi kecanduan.

Baca Juga: Berikut Ini Lirik Lagu 'Chemical' yang Dinyanyikan oleh Post Malone


Don't want to sober up

The sun is killing my buzz, that's why they call it mourning

Thought I was strong enough

Threw my bottle at the sky, said, "God that's a warning"

Don't want to sober up

Try to keep it inside, but I just want to pour it

Thought I was strong enough

Got a lot of shit to say, couldn't fit it in the chorus

I just left Wally's in a Maserati

The way I gotta flex you'd think I did pilates

I called my quote and quote friends, do you got plans?

Turns out everyone's free when the dinner is

Then they drag me to a party out in Malibu

After thirty High Noons it was pretty cool

Tried to shoot my shot, she told me that she had a shoot, bye-bye


Don't want to sober up

The sun is killing my buzz, that's why they call it mourning

Thought I was strong enough

Threw my bottle at the sky, said, "God that's a warning"

Don't want to sober up

Try to keep it inside, but I just want to pour it

Thought I was strong enough

Got a lot of shit to say, couldn't fit it in the chorus

Stumbling down a corridor, came across an open door

Throwing up is easy and who put on The Commodores?

That's a nice tile floor, wish I got to know you more

Who am I talking to? Nobody

Take me outside, I'm a little too high

Paid a little too much for the time of my life

When money ain't a problem, everyone's sliding

Even when I tell myself that I

Don't want to sober up

The sun is killing my buzz, that's why they call it mourning

Thought I was strong enough

Threw my bottle at the sky, said, "God that's a warning"

Don't want to sober up

Try to keep it inside, but I just want to pour it

Thought I was strong enough

Got a lot of shit to say, couldn't fit it in the chorus

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