Berikut Ini Lirik Lagu 'RUNAWAY' milik OneRepublic yang Baru Rilis

26 Mei 2023 09:00 WIB
Lirik Lagu 'RUNAWAY' - OneRepublic
Lirik Lagu 'RUNAWAY' - OneRepublic ( YouTube)

Sonora.ID – Berikut ini adalah lirik laguRUNAWAY’ milik grup band OneRepublic yang baru dirilis pada 26 Mei 2023.

Lagu ini pertama kali dipremierkan pada 5 Maret 2023 lalu, pada konser live di Taiwan.



Run away, right now let's just run away

All that talk is killing me

One last shot, hold onto me (Oh)

[Verse 1]

There's something I gotta say to ya, there's somewhere we gotta go

And now they're sinkin' in the sand, chasin' what we can, baby 'cause I know

It's like we're stuck in the mezzanine with twenty floors left to go (Oh yeah)

And now they're drivin' in the rain, tryin' to switch the lane, but you already know


So don't waste this time, yeah I don't move slow

One good shot and I'll let you know it's all I want, yeah

Can we just let go and


Run away, right now lеt's just run away

All that talk is killing me

One last shot, hold onto me (Oh)

Babе I think we should run away, I'm my own worst enemy

Blue skies only miles away

One last shot, hold onto me (Oh)

[Verse 2]

There's something that I gotta say to ya, I'm on a new energy (Oh yeah)

Now, not as easy as it goes, wait for miracles, the way that we will be


No, so don't waste this time, yeah I don't move slow

One good shot and I'll let you know it's all I want, yeah

Can we just let go and


Run away, right now let's just run away

All that talk is killing me

One last shot, hold onto me (Oh)

Babe I think we should run away, I'm my own worst enemy

Blue skies only miles away

One last shot, hold onto me (Oh)


Oh yeah! (Run away)

One last shot, hold onto me (Oh)


Run away, right now let's just run away

All that talk is killing me

One last shot, hold onto me (Oh)

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