Diketahui bahwa because merupakan kata penghubung yang biasanya diikuti oleh ‘subjek + verb.’ Misalnya, we stayed at home, because it was raining.
Sedangkan, penggunaan because of dan due to lebih mengarah pada preposisi. Hanya saja, due to biasanya digunakan dalam konteks yang lebih formal.
Di bawah ini kami sajikan kumpulan contoh kalimat menggunakan because of lengkap dengan artinya, dikutip dari berbagai sumber.
Contoh Kalimat Because Of dengan Arti
Because of the weather was raining, we stayed at home (Karena hujan, jadi kami di rumah).
Because of the severe snow storm and the road blocks, the air force dropped food and medical supplies close to the city (Karena badai salju yang parah dan jalan tertutupi, angkatan udara menjatuhkan makanan dan obat-obatan di dekat kota).
I’m motivated because of you (Aku termotivasi karena kamu).
It’s all because of me, my mother lost his handphone. (Ini semua karena aku, ibuku kehilangan telepon genggamnya.)
Claire came home early because of feeling unwell. (Claire pulang lebih awal karena merasa tidak enak badan)
Global warming occurs because of the increase concentrations of greenhouse gases. (Pemanasan global terjadi karena kenaikan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca).
The train was late because of the snow. (Kereta terlambat karena salju).
Rainbow occurs because of reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets. (Pelangi muncul karena pemantulan, refraksi, dan dispersi cahaya dalam tetes air).
Because of the rain, the tennis match was stopped. (Karena hujan, pertandingan tenis dihentikan).
Raindrops are spherical in shape because of surface tension of water. (Tetes hujan berbentuk bulat karena tekanan permukaan air).
He’s been off work because of sickness. (Dia tidak masuk kerja karena sakit).
All flight have been canceled because of bad weather. (Semua penerbangan dibatalkan karena cuaca buruk).
Because of waking up late, I skipped take a bath. (Karena telat bangun, saya tidak mandi.)
Factories close because of an economic downturn. (Pabrik-pabrik ditutup karena krisis ekonomi)
Because of feeling sick, Dad didn’t come to office today. (Karena merasa sakit, ayah tidak datang ke kantor hari ini)
I came here because of his invitation. (Aku datang ke sini karena undangannya)
We were bored because of the Teddy’s speech. (Kami merasa jemu karena pidato Teddy.)
The school is closed because of election. (Sekolah diliburkan karena pemilihan umum.)
Ben looks terrible and tired since he’s up all night because of the Math test. (Ben terlihat kelelahan karena dia begadang semalaman karena ujian bahasa Matematika.)
Belly was worried because of the rain. (Belly merasa cemas karena hujan.)
The sea water tingkat increased as the heavy rain poured since last day and also, because of the climate change. (Tingkat air laut bertambah saat hujan deras turun kemarin dan karena peralihan cuaca.)
Ben looks terrible and tired since he’s up all night because of the tes. (Ben kelihatan kecapekan karena ia begadang sepanjang malam karena ujian.)
He sleep early because of sickness. (Dia tidur lebih awal karena sakit).
There were so many people in the shop because of the sale. (Ada begitu banyak orang di toko karena diskon).
He studied law because of his father. (Dia belajar hukum karena ayahnya).
Itulah paparan mengenai kumpulan contoh kalimat because of you lengkap dengan terjemahannya.