Berikut Lirik Lagu 'WANDERLUST' yang Dinyanyikan oleh Paul Partohap

27 Agustus 2023 16:25 WIB
Lirik Lagu 'Wanderlust' milik Paul Partohap
Lirik Lagu 'Wanderlust' milik Paul Partohap ( YouTube)

Sonora.ID - Berikut ini adalah lirik lagu 'Wanderlust' yang dinyanyikan oleh Paul Partohap dan baru saja dirilis pada 25 Agustus 2023.

Lagu ini masuk ke dalam EP terbarunya yang bertajuk 'LOVERs ATLAS' yang dirilis pada tahun 2023.

Wanderlust menceritakan tentang sepasang kekasih yang yakin jika mereka bersama, maka mereka bisa melewati segala rintangan yang menghadang.

Simak lirik lagunya berikut ini:

 Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'BESTFRiEND' – Paul Partohap, dengan Terjemahannya


No matter where we go, or what we see

It's always better when you are with me

Our love will guide us through the night

Together we'll make every moment right

The open road, it calls our name

Our wanderlust, it burns like a flame

We don't need to rush, we don't need a plan

Just your hand in mine, it's enough to stand

We'll chase the moon, sun and all the stars above

With you, my love, I feel so loved

I don't need to have it all figured out

As long as I'm with you, there's no doubt

With you by my side, there's nothing that we can't do

We'll share stories, we'll share dreams

In each other's company, oh how my life beams

Our love carries us through, I feel strong

Together we will make it all along

The open road, it calls our name

Our wanderlust, it burns like a flame

We don't need to rush, we don't need a plan

Just your hand in mine, it's enough to stand

We'll chase the moon, sun and all the stars above

With you, my love, I feel so loved

I don't need to have it all figured out

As long as I'm with you, there's no doubt

With you by my side, there's nothing that we can't do

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