Berikut Ini Lirik Lagu 'I Don't Mind' milik Grup Band Coldiac

2 November 2023 13:35 WIB
Lirik lagu 'I Don't Mind' - Coldiac
Lirik lagu 'I Don't Mind' - Coldiac ( YouTube)

Sonora.ID – Berikut ini adalah lirik lagu ‘I Don’t Mind’ milik grup band Coldiac yang baru dirilis pada 27 Oktober 2023.

Band asal Malang, Coldiac, merilis album studio ketiga yang diberi judul Lemons Made Lemonade. Album ini berisi 14 lagu berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

Lagu I Don't Mind menjadi andalan di album tersebut. Coldiac menyebut lagu itu merupakan soundtrack kehidupan percintaan untuk cegil (cewek gila) atau cogil (cowok gila) masa kini.

I Don't Mind menceritakan tentang perasaan cinta buta dan kesabaran seseorang dalam menjadi prioritas orang yang dicintai.

Meskipun liriknya mengandung ironi, lagu itu disajikan dengan nuansa yang menyenangkan seperti sedang menertawakan kepedihan.

Baca Juga: Berikut Ini Lirik Lagu 'Mendekat Menjauh' milik Grup Band Coldiac

Lirik Lagu Coldiac - I Don't Mind

I have found the love of my life that is you

The most beautiful mistake I’ve made

And I know we had fun in every moment

Never thought this could be so tragic

I would give anything just for another day with you

I don’t mind

I don’t mind if you go for a while, it’s fine

I’ll be here patiently waiting

Even if this won’t make you mine

Even when it seems so hard

Cause I’m living in the world that’s made up of your smile

You’ve made me think that our love is in the air

But again and again you disappear

When it comes (when it comes) to the time when you come back to me

Don’t ever leave me again

I would give anything just for another day with you

I don’t mind (I don’t mind)

I don’t mind if you go for a while

It’s fine (and it’s fine)

I’ll be here patiently waiting

Even if this won’t make you mine

Even when it seems so hard

Cause I’m living in the world that’s made up of your smile

Why do I fall in love with a girl that never gives me the first place in her heart? Tell me why? Oh baby tell me why?

I don’t mind (I don’t mind)

I don’t mind if you go for a while (I don’t mind)

It’s fine (baby)

I’ll be here patiently waiting

Even if this won’t make you mine

Even when it seems so hard

Cause I’m living in the world that’s made up of your smile

I don’t mind (baby I don’t mind)

I don’t mind if you go for a while

It’s fine (baby I’ll be fine)

I’ll be here patiently waiting (baby)

Even if this won’t make you mine

Even when it seems so hard (so so hard)

Cause I’m living in the world that’s made up of your smile (I wanna live in that world)

I wanna live

I wanna live

I wanna live in that world baby

I wanna live

I wanna live

I wanna live in that world baby

I wanna live

I wanna live

I wanna live in that world baby

In that world baby

In that world baby

I wanna live in that world

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