Ships sink because of the water that gets in them. (Kapal tenggelam karena air masuk ke dalamnya)
Factories close because of an economic downturn. (Pabrik-pabrik ditutup karena krisis ekonomi)
Because of the rain, the tennis match was stopped. (Karena hujan, pertandingan tenis dihentikan)
He stopped the medication because of side effects. (Dia berhenti mengonsumsi obat karena efek sampingnya)
All flight have been cancelled because of bad weather. (Semua penerbangan dibatalkan karena cuaca buruk).
The dinosaurs became extinct because of an impact of asteroid. (Dinosaurus punah karena efek dari asteroid)
Raindrops are spherical in shape because of surface tension of water. (Tetes hujan berbentuk bulat karena tekanan permukaan air)
The dodo bird became extinct because of habitat loss and invansive species. (Burung dodo punah karena kehilangan habitat dan spesies invansif)
Global warming occurs because of the increase concentrations of greenhouse gases. (Pemanasan global terjadi karena kenaikan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca)
Rainbow occurs because of reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets. (Pelangi muncul karena pemantulan, refraksi, dan dispersi cahaya dalam tetes air)
His success was due to his hardwork (Kesuksesannya karena kerja kerasnya).
I could not come to your house due to rain (Saya tidak bisa datang ke rumahmu karena hujan).
Many animals lose their home due to deforestation (Banyak hewan kehilangan rumahnya karena penggundulan
The mountain is closed due to health hazard from eruption (Gunung ditutip karena bahaya kesehatan akibat letusan).
Due to water scarcity, peoples are suffering from disease such as cholera and typhoid fever (Karena kelangkaan air, orang-orang menderita penyakit seoerti kolera dan tifus).
My headaches are due to stress (Sakit kepala saya dikarenakan stres).
His success was due to his hardwork (Kesuksesannya karena kerja kerasnya).
All planes are grounded due to strom (Semua pesawat dilarang terbang karena badai).
The cancellation of the event was due to low attendance. (Pembatalan acara disebabkan oleh rendahnya jumlah peserta).
The train service was disrupted due to a power outage. (Layanan kereta api terganggu karena pemadaman listrik).
Itulah penjelasan lengkap terkait perbedaan because of dan due to yang dapat kamu simak; jangan lupa pelajari, ya!