Lirik Lagu 'GOODLUCK' yang Dinyanyikan oleh Paul Partohap

12 Januari 2024 11:50 WIB
Lirik lagu 'GOODLUCK' - Paul Partohap
Lirik lagu 'GOODLUCK' - Paul Partohap ( YouTube)

Sonora.ID – Berikut ini lirik lagu ‘GOODLUCK’ yang dinyanyikan oleh Paul Partohap yang baru dirilis pada 10 Januari 2024.

Lagu ini masuk ke dalam album LOVERs ATLAS (2024). Lagu ini diproduseri oleh Paul Partohap bersama Khalishah Isyana.

Lagu ini irilis di bawah label Arseri Music dan Warner Music Indonesia.

Simak lirik lagu GOODLUCK – Paul Partohap selengkapnya berikut ini.

Baca Juga: Berikut Lirik Lagu 'WANDERLUST' yang Dinyanyikan oleh Paul Partohap



You were my book, my story

Filled with chapters of love and glory

We laughed, we cried, we felt so alive

But now it's time to turn the page and say goodbye

We had our moments, high and low

But like a book, our story must close

Sometimes love just fades away

And we're left with nothing more left to say


I wish you luck, my dear ex

Hope you find what you're looking for next

May the road ahead be kind and true

Good luck to you, I'll probably still miss you


We had some good times, you and I

But eventually, we had to say goodbye

Hope you find what you're searching for

And it will make you happier than ever before

Never thought that we'd come to this

Saying goodbye just with one last kiss

But sometimes love just fades away

And we're left with nothing more left to say


I wish you luck, my dear ex

Hope you find what you're looking for next

May the road ahead be kind and true

Good luck to you, I'll probably still miss you

I wish you luck, my dear ex

Hope you find what you're looking for next

May the road ahead be kind and true

Good luck to you, I'll probably still miss you

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