35 Contoh Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 dan Jawaban

18 Maret 2024 22:51 WIB
Ilustrasi ujian
Ilustrasi ujian ( Pixabay)

Sonora.ID - Contoh soal ujian sekolah Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dapat digunakan sebagai bahan belajar sebelum menghadapi ujian yang sesungguhnya.

Berdasarkan kalender akademik 2024, Ujian Sekolah diadakan pada 18-28 Maret 2024.

Lewat contoh soal ujian sekolah Bahasa Inggris kelas 12, siswa dapat mengetahui materi yang akan diujikan sehingga bisa mencapai nilai terbaik.

Berikut 35 soal ujian sekolah Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan kunci jawabannya sebagai panduan belajar.

Questions 1-3 are based on the following text dialog.

Andina: Does the hotel offer a courtesyshuttle from the airport?
Rahma: Yes, we do. Pick-up is from the Arrivals at Terminal 1.
Andina: Could you reserve us three places? Our flight gets in at 2 p.m.
Rahma: There is no need for that. There’s plenty of room on board, and our service runs every 20 minutes.

1. What is the purpose of the dialog?

A. To inform about the flight reservation
B. To tell when the flight gets in
C. To check the pick-up service
D. To provide the flight service

Jawaban: C

2. Based on the dialog, What will hotel officer do to Andina?

A. Arrive early to welcome her
B. Pick her up at Terminal 1
C. Reserve three places
D. Run in 20 minutes

Jawaban: B

3. The underlined word in the dialog can be replaced by?

A. Reserved
B. Polite
C. Free
D. Full

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: 15 Soal Ujian Sekolah Biologi Kelas 12 dan Jawaban, Siswa Wajib Cek

Questions 4-6 are based on the following text dialog.

Ratna: Dinda, do you have something to do this evening? If you are free, can
you accompany me to go to Dea’s house? I want to borrow her science book.
Dinda: Ok. What time do you pick me up?
Ratna: About 6.30. Inform me as soon aspossible.

4. Who are Ratna and Dinda?

A. Siblings
B. Classmates
C. Colleagues
D. Bookkeepers

Jawaban: B

5. Based on the dialog, Ratna shows her request by asking Dinda?

A. To borrow Dea’s book
B. That she will pick her up
C. Whether she is free this evening
D. To accompany her to Dea’s house

Jawaban: D

6. “Inform me as soon as possible.”  It means that Dinda has to contact Ratna ... after she makes the decision.

A. Carefully
B. Directly
C. Exactly
D. Surely

Jawaban: B

7. Fill in the blanks.

Rara: I need to finish this product proposal today and I have to catch a train at 5:15.
Lalal: ... 
Rara: That’s very kind of you.

A. I am sure you can finish it soon.
B. I don’t think I can help you.
C. Can I give you my hand?
D. Can you help me?

Jawaban: C

8. Fill in the blanks.

Dewi: What do you usually do during the day?
Raka: I start working at 7 a.m and finish it at 7 p.m. Usually, ….
Dewi: You are asales, aren’t you?
Raka: Absolutely right.

A. I meet my siblings for a discussion
B. I help the customers to complain
C. I sellall the declined products
D. I market the products

Jawaban: D

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