Lirik Lagu 'Friends' - Arash Buana

19 April 2024 05:50 WIB
Lirik Lagu 'Friends' - Arash Buana
Lirik Lagu 'Friends' - Arash Buana ( )

Sonora.ID - Simak lirik lagu berjudul 'Friends' dari penyanyi Arash Buana lengkap dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia.

Lagu ini dirilis pada 19 April 2024.

Liriknya ditulis sendiri oleh Arash Buana.

Adapun lirik videonya diproduseri oleh Petra Sihombing.

Berikut lirik selengkapnya.

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan 'Like A Dream' - Minnie (G)I-DLE (OST Lovely Runner Part 3)

Lirik Lagu 'Friends' - Arash Buana

Crowded places give me all 
These memories i don't need
even i can tell
That i might be insane

And every time i try to see it
different it stays the same
guess i'm the rain in
every sunny day

whining about how i can't help
but walk myself right out
if she didn'y care
then why did they found out

And every time i try to see it
different it stays the same
so why dont you say it too?

i promised myself that i will change
all that i ask
is for us to be friends

it won't be the same
as how we loves
we could learn if we stayed
friends like back in may

with all these missing pieces
i can't seem to take my steps

every road i take
the more i know
i break

and all i'm trying to say
is that i really wish i can

so why don't you
said it too
that i love you

i promised myself that i will change
all that i ask
is for us to be friends

it won't be the same
as how we loves
we could learn if we stayed
friends like back in may

all of these talkings
i have been holding

i just can't resist it in
no more

Demikian lirik lagu 'Friends' dari Arash Buana. Selamat mendengarkan.

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