50 Contoh Soal US Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2024 dengan Jawaban

8 Mei 2024 11:00 WIB
50 Contoh Soal US Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2024 dengan Jawaban
50 Contoh Soal US Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2024 dengan Jawaban ( )

Sonora.ID - Siswa bisa belajar mengerjakan contoh soal US Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 tahun 2024 dengan jawabannya di bawah ini.

Ujian Sekolah atau US merupakan salah satu tahapan yang perlu ditempuh oleh siswa maupun siswi untuk meraih gelar kelulusan.

Dalam tes tersebut, ada beberapa mata pelajaran yang akan disuguhkan kepada murid untuk dikerjakan. Mapel tersebut termasuk bahasa Inggris.

Di bawah ini terdapat 50 kumpulan contoh-contoh soal ujian sekolah kelas 9 tahun 2024 yang bisa dikerjakan sebagai latihan agar lebih menguasai materi.

Sebagai catatan, soal-soal di bawah ini hanya sebagai latihan dan bukan 100 persen sama dengan soal ujian mendatang.

Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 3 Semester 2, Beserta Jawabannya

50 Contoh Soal US Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2024 dengan Jawaban

Reading text 7 for answering questions numbers 1 to 4.

A donkey and a rabbit were good friends. One evening, they were looking for some food. After walking for some time, they finally found a watermelon field .After making sure that there was nobody around, they went into the field. The donkey directly ate a juicy watermelon. He finished it quickly. Then, he recklessly went to another watermelon, and ate it. He ate a lot of watermelons until he felt full.

“Oh, I feel like I want to sing a song, ”said the donkey merrily. “No! You are going to wake the farmer ,”warned the rabbit. But, the reckless donkey did not listen to the rabbit. It started to sing a song loudly. Knowing that he could not stop the donkey, the rabbit left him alone in the watermelon field.

The donkey kept singing and singing until the farmer came up to him, and ...,”Wham!” the farmer caught the donkey and tied him to the fence. The rabbit was hiding behind a big tree, he saw what was happening. When the farmer left the field, the rabbit released the donkey. The donkey realized his mistake and thanked the rabbit.

1. How did the donkey feel when he saw so many watermelons in the field?
A. Sad
B. Touched
C. Surprised
D. Overjoyed
Jawaban: D

2. “When the farmer left the field, the rabbit released the donkey.”
The bold - typed word is similar in meaning to ... .
A. Escape
B. Set free
C. Reported
D. Supported

Jawaban: B

3. What can we learn after we have read the story ?
A. Stealing is forbidden
B. Singing is a dangerous thing to do
C. Be careful before you pick watermelons from other people’s field.
D. We have to think very carefully before doing / deciding something.

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal SIMAMA Poltekkes Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

4. “Then he recklessly went into the watermelon field...”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. Carefully
B. Proudly
C. Responsibly
D. Thoughtlessly

Jawaban: D

5. What is the purpose of writing the text ?
A. To give detailed information to customers
B. To persuade people to appreciate fables
C. To describe a donkey in general
D. To entertain people with fables

Jawaban: D

Text for number 6 and 7

Dear Anindra,

I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences. Your mother was a great woman. I wish God always keep her in His heavenly land. Let her rest in peace. I will always be beside you whenever you need.

Best wishes, Ines

6. Basen on the text, what can we conclude?

A. Anindra's mother was sick
B. Illness makes Ines dying
C. Anindra's mother passed away
D. Ines lost her mother

Baca Juga: Link Download PDF Contoh Soal UTBK 2024 Sesuai dengan Kisi-Kisi

Jawaban: C

7. "..... I wish God always keep her...."

The underlined word refers to....

A. Anindra
B. Ines
C. Anindra's mother
D. God

Jawaban: C

Contoh Soal US Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 2024 dengan Jawaban

Text for number 8-10

Griya Kandang Menjangan
Jl. Jogja-Solo No.75 Sukoharjo
May 25, 2017
To. Jamila Fajar
Griya Satria Jaya
Jl. Teuku Umar No.45 Jakarta Selatan

Dear friend,

Holiday is coming soon, isn't it? That's why I invite you to come to my hometown. When you are here, let's go to Tawangmangu and camp there. The weather and ground would be fine to have a camping activity.

I'll bring you to see the tea garden also the famous GrojoganSewu. It is a beautiful waterfall located on the top of Tawangmangu. I heard there is a river tubing too now. Don't miss it.

Your friend, Wanda Turi

8. The text informs us that Wanda....

A. describes her holiday in Tawangmangu to jamila
B. asks Jamila to reply her letter
C. requests Jamila to spend holidays in her town
D. wants Jamila to come to Jakarta

Jawaban: C. requests Jamila to spend holidays in her town

9. What will they do in Tawangmangu?

A. Camp near by the river tubing
B. Go to the temple
C. Saw the waterfall all the tea garden
D. Set up a tent

Jawaban: D

10. "..... to come to my hometown...."

Following are the meaning of hometown, except....

A. place wherever you were born
B. the native land
C. place to make home
D. origin place you are from

Jawaban: C

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