Lirik Lagu CANDYRELLA - Paul Partohap, You're the prettiest girl in the world

16 Mei 2024 09:25 WIB
Lirik Lagu CANDYRELLA - Paul Partohap, You're the prettiest girl in the world
Lirik Lagu CANDYRELLA - Paul Partohap, You're the prettiest girl in the world ( )

Sonora.ID - Lagu berjudul CANDYRELLA merupakan lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh suami selebgram Gitasav, Paul Partohap.

Lagu ini dirilis pada Rabu (15/5/2024) melalui kanal YouTube dan digital music platform lainnya.

Kata-kata manis berisi pemujaan terhadap sang mantan yang kini menjadi istrinya, menghiasi lirik lagu tersebut.

Daripada penasaran, berikut ini lirik lagu CANDYRELLA yang dinyanyikan oleh Paul Partohap:

You're the prettiest girl in the world
You're the sweetest soul I could wish for
Want your love in every flavor
You're the sweetest
You're the sweetest

I've dreams about you
Three different times last night
You are a wish my heart desires
Can't get you out of my mind
You make my days so sweet
You in it, I'm complete

May I take your hand?
Did you save the last dance for me?
Oh, I pray
The happiest ending is written for you and me

I've dreams about you
Holding your hand so tight
As our hair growing white
Might not be good at much, but
Believe me when I say
Till the end I'll stay

May I take your hand?
Did you save the last dance for me?
Oh, I pray
The happiest ending
Is written for you and me

You're the prettiest girl in the world
You're the sweetest soul I could wish for
Want your love in every flavor
You're the sweetest
You're the sweetest

You're the prettiest girl in the world
You're the sweetest soul I could wish for
Want your love in every flavor
You're the sweetest
You're the sweetest

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'GOODLUCK' yang Dinyanyikan oleh Paul Partohap

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