Lirik Lagu 'LOST!' – RM BTS, dengan Terjemahan Bahasa Ingonesia

24 Mei 2024 11:06 WIB
Lirik Lagu 'LOST!' – RM BTS, dengan Terjemahan Bahasa Ingonesia
Lirik Lagu 'LOST!' – RM BTS, dengan Terjemahan Bahasa Ingonesia ( Instagram @bts.bighitofficial)

Sonora.ID – RM BTS akhirnya resmi merilis album solo keduanya yang bertajuk, Right Place, Wrong Person, hari ini.

Album Right Place, Wrong Person diketahui berisi total 11 lagu di dalamnya dengan LOST! sebagai lagu utamanya dan Come back to me yang sudah dirilis terlebih dahulu pada 10 Mei 2024.

Selain itu ada juga lagu Nuts, out of love, Domodachi (feat Little Simz), ? (Interlude), Groin, Heaven, Around the world in a day (feat. Moses Sumney), dan (Credit Roll).

Tak perlu berlama-lama, berikut lirik lagu LOST! RM BTS, lengkap dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia.

Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu 'Come back to me' – RM BTS, Lengkap dengan Terjemahannya

How you get in love like, oh?
How you get love?
Take it for the love like, oh
How'd you get lost?
Take it from the love like us
How'd you get lost?
Take full of love like us
It was you (Ooh)
It was you (Ooh)
It was you (Ooh)
It was you (Ooh)

I'm goddamn lost
I never been to club before
I hit the club
I never felt so free before
You’re goddamn ghost
I never felt so fine before
I hit the cloud

Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up
Damn now, thank you, don't worry
정신차려보니 어느새 난 텅 빈 거리
시간은 쏜살 열네살 걘 벌써 thirty
And I look up in the sky I see silver cloud, yo hurry

Dump it on the ground
Pick it up, throw it in the trunk
Dump it on the ground
Pick it up, throw it in the trunk
Dump it on the ground
Pick it up, throw it in the trunk
Dump it on the ground
Pick it up, now let’s go dumb

Ay, ay, ay, ay (Dump it on the ground, shit)
Ay, ay, ay, ay (Dump it on the ground, shit)
I keep trippin’, I can’t stop bleedin’
I got lost in the ground, but not beggin’ at you

I'm goddamn lost
I never been to club before
I hit the club
I never felt so free before
You’re goddamn ghost
I never felt so fine before
I hit the cloud

I got temptation
I got temptation (Ah)

Every morning, every night
I always feelin’ lifeless
And in the morning I feel love
I hug it in excitement
Every morning, every night
I always feelin’ sikeness
When I feel lonely as fuck
I still got lifeless
I'll never love when I'm low
It'd gonna lightless, uh

I'm goddamn lost
I never been to club before
I hit the club
I never felt so free before
You’re goddamn ghost
I never felt so fine before
I hit the cloud
I never felt so free before

I got temptation
I got temptation (Ah)
I got temptation
I got temptation (Ah)
I got temptation
I got temptation (Ah)
I got temptation
I got temptation (Ah)
I got them

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