16. Halo Juni! Mari kita ciptakan kenangan indah sepanjang bulan ini.
17. Selamat datang, Juni! Waktunya untuk meraih mimpi dan mencapai tujuan kita.
18. Juni, bulan baru, peluang baru. Semoga sukses selalu menyertai kita.
19. Halo Juni, bawakan kami banyak cinta, kebahagiaan, dan kesuksesan.
20. Selamat datang, Juni! Semoga bulan ini membawa banyak berkah dan kebahagiaan.
Baca Juga: 35 Gambar Selamat Datang Bulan Juni 2024: Ceria dan Berisi Harapan
Quotes Selamat Datang bulan Juni 2024 Bahasa Inggris
21. Welcome, June! May this month bring abundant sunshine, joy, and new beginnings.
22. Hello, June and Goodbye May. Here’s to an exciting, joyful, enjoyable, peaceful, and blessed month.
23. Hello, June! Embrace the warmth of summer and let your spirit shine.
24. Goodbye May. It’s a new month with new hope and a new spirit. Hello June! Please, be good to me.
25. As June arrives, let us open our hearts to the beauty of nature and the possibilities that lie ahead.
26. Welcome, June! A month filled with blooming flowers, laughter, and cherished moments.
27. June, you bring the promise of long days, sweet memories, and endless adventures. Welcome!
28. Hello, June! May this month be a time of growth, gratitude, and renewed hope.
29. As June graces us with its presence, let us embrace the beauty of each passing day and create beautiful memories.
30. Welcome, June! Let the gentle breeze and the magic of summer fill our lives with joy and happiness.
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