20 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 11 dan Kunci Jawabannya

9 September 2024 14:09 WIB
Ilustrasi soal narrative text kelas 11.
Ilustrasi soal narrative text kelas 11. ( Pixabay)

Sonora.ID - Soal narrative text kelas 11 dapat menjadi bahan belajar siswa sebelum menghadapi ujian tengah semester ataupun akhir semester.

Soal narrative text kelas 11 terdiri atas beberapa materi pengertian narrative, struktur, ciri-ciri, dan jenisnya.

Lewat contoh soal narrative text kelas 11, siswa dapat mengetahui gambaran soal sehingga mampu menjawab dengan benar.

Berikut ini 20 contoh soal narrative text kelas 11 dan kunci jawaban dikutip dari berbagai sumber.

1. What is Narrative Text?

A. A text that contains general information
B. A text that describes someone or something specifically
C. A text that contains complication and resolutions
D. A text that is constructed about past events

Jawaban: C

2. The last paragraph of narrative text is called?

A. Orientation/Exposition
B. Complication
C. Resolution
D. Re-orientation/Coda

Jawaban: D

3. What is the resolution of narrative text?

A. Problem solving
B. Story
C. Moral value
D. Messages

Jawaban: A

Read this text below to answer questions on 4-7!

In a kingdom, there lived 3 corn farmers. All three are smart and diligent farmers. In one season, the land of the three farmers experienced pest problems. Their corn harvest is in danger of failing.

To overcome this, farmers first use pesticides. The second farmer built a cage around his land to prevent pests from entering. The third farmer tried to make a scarecrow. all to no avail.

Then, the king called the three farmers. The king gave a stick to each and told them to break it. The sticks break easily. Then the king gave him a hundred sticks and the three of them had trouble breaking them.

The king said, “When you work alone, you are weak, but together you become strong.” Three farmers worked together, combined strategies, and succeeded.

4. From the text we know that the three farmers earned money by?

A. Cultivating their fields
B. Selling crops to a market
C. Collecting firewood
D. Working on others fields

Jawaban: A

5. What is the conflict faced by the farmers in the story?

A. Three farmers with the king
B. Three farmers have a good harvest
C. The village head gave the three farmers challenge
D. The three farmers efforts to help their crops failed

Jawaban: D

6. The story teaches us?

A. Practice makes perfect
B. There is strength is unity
C. Hard work is a key of a success
D. The king always right

Jawaban: B

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