5. What is the writer’s position?Is he for or against the issue? Explain.
Kunci Jawaban:
The writer’s position is for the issue. He believes that it’s not wise to keep eating meat while on the other hand, we cannot protect the environment’s sustainability for our life in the future. Moreover, the writer suggests that we should find other food substitutions of meat that can provide all nutrients and vitamins needed.
Atau jawaban lain yang mendukung isu yang menunjukkan pemahaman akurat atas posisi penulis terkait “Do We Need to Stop Eating Meat?” dan alasan peserta didik menyetujuinya. (beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, dan berakhlak mulia, serta berkebinekaan global)
6. Identify the passive voice taken from the text by classifying the “thing done” and the “doer”. One example has been done for you.
Kunci Jawaban:
2. Thing done: half of all habitable land is used for agriculture, …and three-quarters of that land is used to feed and raise livestock is said
Doer: not mentioned/people (generally known)
3. Thing done: that land is used
Doer: not mentioned/people (generally known)
4. Thing done: to feed a growing world population is assumed
Doer: not mentioned/people (generally known)
5. Thing done: All B vitamins are found
Doer: not mentioned/people (generally known) (bergotong royong dan bernalar kritis)
Demikian ulasan tentang kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 181-182 Kurikulum Merdeka. Perlu diingat bahwa kunci jawaban di atas hanya digunakan oleh orang tua untuk memandu proses belajar anak. Siswa diharapkan untuk mengerjakan tugas secara mandiri terlebih dahulu.
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