Sonora.ID – Berikut kumpulan contoh soal olimpiade bahasa Inggris SMA beserta kunci jawabannya yang bisa dijadikan materi untuk belajar di rumah.
Dengan banyak mengerjakan contoh soal olimpiade bahasa Inggris SMA, para siswa diharapkan bisa lebih memahami materi agar dapat mengerjakan ujian yang sesungguhnya dengan baik.
Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2, Beserta Jawabannya
1. He is excited about his new role as a leader the group and looking forward to …. Moreresponsibilities.
a. Get on
b. Take after
c. Taking on
d. Take on
Jawaban: C
2. The house … twenty years ago by his
a. Built
b. is bulit
c. That built
d. Was built
Jawaban: D
3. When you are … a job, you must work hard
a. Looking up
b. Looking for
c. Looking after
d. Looking at
Jawaban: B
4. Neither lunch … breakfast was served at therestaurant.
a. And
b. Or
c. Nor
d. But
Jawaban: C
5. Education in Java is the … of school, society, andalso government.
a. Responbility
b. Responbly
c. Responsive
d. Responsible
Jawaban: A
6. Joko Widodo who comes from Solo is one of the … people in Central Java.
a. Most rich
b. Richest
c. Richer
d. More richer
Jawaban: B