D. Meteor
Kunci jawaban: B
12. The biggest source energy on the earth is…
A. Sun
B. Month
C. Star
D. Planet
Kunci jawaban: A
Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal PTS PJOK Kelas 5 Semester 2, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban
13. Plants need the energy.
The meaning of the word underlined is…
A. Tumbuhan
B. Energi
C. Hewan
D. Membutuhkan
Kunci jawaban: D
14. Water is one source of energy.
The meaning of the word underlined is…
A. Matahari
B. Bulan
C. Air
D. Planet
Kunci jawaban: A
15. “ Environment “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Makhluk hidup
B. Lingkungan
C. Tumbuhan
D. Hewan
Kunci jawaban: B
16. Plants that live on the beach is …
A. Paddy
B. Tea
C. Coconut
D. Cucumber
Kunci jawaban: C
17. We water the plants ...
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the morning and afternoon
D. In the morning and evening
Kunci jawaban: C
18. The examples of dangerous animals is …
A. Rabbit
B. Butterfly
C. Snake
D. Cat
Kunci jawaban: C
19. My mother is ironing clothes. The energy used by mother is…
A. Wind
B. Electricity
C. Sunlight
D. Fire
Kunci jawaban: B
20. Energy sources that cannot be used is, except…
A. Sun
B. Wind
C. Water
D. Solar
Kunci jawaban: D
21. The sun is bright. it is shining .....
A. lovely C. loudly
B. brightly D. safely
Kunci jawaban: B
22. David is careful in driving the bus. He drives .....
A. beautifully C. angrily
B. diligently D. safely
Kunci jawaban: D
23. It was late, so we walked .....
A. quickly C. brightly
B. happily D. easily