Sonora.ID - Berikut ini adalah lirik lagu 'Waiting On A Wish' - Rachel Zegler yang dapat kamu simak dengan lengkap.
Film Snow White Live Action (2025) sedang tayang di layar kaca Indonesia dan berhasil mencuri perhatian banyak orang.
Tidak hanya melalui plot-nya saja, tetapi juga OST dari film tersebut, yaitu 'Waiting On A Wish' yang dibawakan oleh Rachel Zegler.
Mari simak langsung lirik lagu 'Waiting On A Wish' - Rachel Zegler berikut ini untuk dinyanyikan dengan iringan instrumentalnya.
Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu Senandung Bahagia - Rizky Febian: Beserta Makna Lagunya
Little girl at a lonely well
With the same little tale to tell
Feeling trapped by the walls that hold her
Feeling stuck in the story they've told her
Another day where she fades away
Never daring to disobey
So she's dreaming all alone
Sharing secrets with the stone
My father told me long ago
I braved a bitter storm of snow
Is that a girl I'll ever know again?
'm waiting on a wish
Beneath a thousand treetops
And as the silver sky stops
I send a whisper to the water
Waiting on a wish
Holding out for someday
Hoping somehow, some way
I'll become my father's daughter
I close my eyes and see
The girl I'm meant to be
Is she a part of me I've yet to find?
Wondering, "Will she appear?
Or will I be forever here
Waiting on a wish?"
Little girl by a wild wood
How she tries to be someone good
But in the shadow the kingdom's caught in
Somehow, fairness is long forgotten
So will she rise or bow her head?
Will she lead or just be led?
Is she the girl she always said she'd be?
Baca Juga: Lirik Lagu Berhenti Berharap - Aqeela Calista, OST. Rumah Untuk Alie
I'm waiting on a wish
Beneath a thousand treetops
And as the silver sky stops
I long to leave the walls behind me
Waiting on a wish
Holding out for someday
Hoping somehow, some way
There comes a miracle to find me
I close my eyes and see
The girl I'm meant to be
Is she a part of me I've had to hide?
Wondering, "Will she appear?
Or will I spend another year
Waiting on a wish?"
They say, "All you have to do
To make your wish come true
Is let it echo, echo, echo, echo
Your voice will carry through
And bring that dream to you
Just like an echo, echo, echo"
Well, I can hear the echo loud and clear
But I'm still waiting here
Waiting on a wish
Beyond a whisper to the water
Waiting on a wish
Is it almost someday?
Can I somehow, some way
Learn to be my father's daughter?
Someone who could finally start
Start speaking with a fearless heart
Someone who just might be brave
Someone no one needs to save
Well, I can always dream, but then
I wake up and it's me again
Waiting on a wish
Waiting on a wish
Waiting on a wish
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