Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawabannya

Diperbaharui 1 Desember 2023 15:28 WIB
Soal UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 1.
Soal UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 1. ( Pixabay)

With love,


Soal 8

Who send the letter?

Jawaban: Tiara

Soal 9

What does he give to Tiara?

Jawaban: a doll

Soal 10

Who gave Snowy to Nindi?

Jawaban: Uncle Alshad

Soal 11

Mommy is….. in the kitchen.

Jawaban: Cooking

Soal 12

Christians pray in the ….

Jawaban: Church

Soal 13

The banker work in the….

Jawaban: Bank

Soal 14

The Capital City of West Java is…

Jawaban: Bandung

My name is Vishal. I live at Kelapa Warna street. My house is next to the bookstore. Today, my mother asks me to accompany her to the traditional market.

The traditional market is located at Merdeka Street. There are many public places along this street. There are a bank and a post office on the both sides of the traditional market.

The bank is in the left side and the post office is in the right side. There is a bakery across the traditional market. There is also a police station. It is next to the bakery.

Soal 15

Where does Vishal live?

Jawaban: At Kelapa Warna street

Soal 16

Where is the bakery?

Jawaban: Across the traditional market

Soal 17

What are the public places next to the traditional market?

Jawaban: A bank and a post office

Soal 18

 â€¦. the baby is sleeping!

Jawaban: Don’t make noise

Soal 19

It is not my book. The book is not ….

Jawaban: mine

Soal 20

Ulia sakit kepala. The English sentence is ….

Jawaban: Ulia has headache

Soal 21

Demam in English is ……..

Jawaban: fever

Rafflesia Flowers

Rafflesia flowers live in the Park National Bengkulu and has a diameter of almost 1 meter. The rafflesia flowers are also called carcass flowers because they smell very rotten.

At present the flowers are endangered because of their limited habitat. Indonesia and the countries its join ASEAN to work together to help preserve rare flora and fauna.

The countries in Southeast Asia under the auspices of ASEAN have geographical agreements. For this reason, there are many differences in terms of culture, flora, fauna, economic activities, and politics.

The nature and culture of the ASEAN countries is very interesting.

Soal 22

What is the tittle of the text ?

Jawaban: Rafflesia Flowers

Soal 23

Where the Rafflesia Flowers lives ?

Jawaban: Park National Bengkulu

Soal 24

The smell of rafflesia flowers is….

Jawaban: Very Rotten

Soal 25

What is another name for rafflesia flowers?

Jawaban: carcass flowers

Demikianlah paparan mengenai kumpulan contoh soal UAS/PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD/MI Semester 1 lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya.

Baca Juga: 45 Soal UAS/PAS PAI (Agama Islam) Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawaban

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