Sonora.ID - Jelang Hari Raya Natal, biasanya grup di aplikasi chat atau di berbagai media sosial dibanjiri dengan ucapan Selamat Natal bagi yang merayakan, termasuk di grup kantor atau pekerjaan.
Saat-saat inilah masing-masing karyawan menunjukkan kepeduliannya kepada rekan kerja, bahkan kepada atasan atau bos yang mungkin kebetulan merayakan hari raya tersebut.
Menjadi momen langka ketika karyawan memberikan ucapan kepada atasan, sehingga biasanya mereka akan memberikan kesan yang terbaik, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
Berikut ini adalah 15 ucapan Selamat Natal dengan Bahasa Inggris untuk bos atau atasan.
Bisa jadi referensi.
Memberikan pujian atas kinerja atasan
“It’s been a pleasure working for you over the past year, I see nothing but good things for this team under your inspiring leadership. Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!”
“Merry Christmas, Boss! I know it might be hard for someone as selfless as you are, but please take some time to yourself this Christmas to enjoy the warmness of your family and fruits of your labor.”
“Thank you so much for all the support you’ve given to me. I couldn’t ask for a better supervisor, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”.
“This Christmas is deserve to be enjoyed by togetherness with your family, because you already work that hard, so please take some time to yourself and your loved one. Merry Christmas!”
“Having you for a boss is truly the gift that keeps on giving. May you get everything your heart desires this Christmas.”
“Only your guidance showed me the best prospects in life. Thank you, may the spirit of Christmas not outrun you home!”
“Every good work has its own result. I hope that all your good works come back to you. Merry Christmas, my dear Boss.”
Doa untuk Natal
“Christmas is the season for gifts, gatherings, and food galore. A joyful Christmas to you and yours”.
“May the sweet messages of Christmas gladden your heart and bring you the joy of the season. Have fun every day, Boss!”.
“I pray to God for everlasting happiness, great health and wonderful life for you and your family this Christmas. Wishing you a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy Prosperous New Year!”
“May your Christmas be as bright and cheerful as you have been all year. We wish you the best for prosperous News Year too.”
“May your Christmas as brilliant as you are, and your New Year as bright and promising. Cheers for a wonderful holiday season”.
“Wishing you a Christmas overflowing with love, laugher, and harmony with your family”
“Merry Christmas my wonderful Boss! I wish you a magical Christmas time and a lot of gifts!”