Gelang Kupu-kupu Milikku
Aku punya gelang kesukaan yang aku beli dua tahun lalu. Aku pergi liburan dengan orangtuaku dan mereka mengajakku pergi ke Malioboro. Ketika aku melihat toko gelang, aku langsung masuk. Karena aku sangat menyukai kupu-kupu, aku memilih salah satu yang menarik perhatianku.
Gelangku memiliki desain yang sederhana. Didominasi oleh warna hitam dan coklat. Benda ini memiliki banyak kupu-kupu dari kayu berwarna coklat dengan manik-manik hitam di antara mereka. Tali hitamnya bisa ditarik dan dilonggarkan untuk menyesuaikan ukuran pergelangan tangan. Terkadang saat aku memakai sebuah gelang, tanganku terasa gatal. Tapi yang ini berbeda, sangat nyaman dipakai. Talinya juga mudah ditarik dan dilonggarkan.
Harga gelang ini memang murah, tapi aku sangat menyukainya. Aku memakainya setiap saat. Aku pernah menangis saat melepas gelang dan lupa di mana tempatnya. Ibuku menemukannya keesokan harinya dan aku sangat lega.
2. My Favorite Book
I have a book which I bought last year. The book is a novel which titled The Story of An Idiot. I love that book because when I read it I get not only knowledge but also entertainment.
Unfortunately I had loss this book. I guess I lose it at Tugu Station during my trip in Yogyakarta. It was difficult to get that book because I never found it at the book store. I got it at the street book seller in London.
The colour of the book’s cover is dominated in red. The picture of that cover is a young man in a black jacket walking through the bridge.
At the first page of that book, I wrote my name and my email address. I also draw a simple rat at the corner of the first page. I always do the same thing to all my books because I hope if I loss my book, someone who found it would give it back to me.
The book is written in English. The author of that book is Joseph J Joseph. It is a strange name but cool enough for the name of a novel author.
The total pages of that book are 125 pages which are divided into 6 parts. At the back of the cover is actually the short summary of that book, but I changed it by sticking the picture of a monkey on it.
Buku Favoritku