3. If the traffic had been bad, we would have missed our flight.
Terjemahan: Jika lalu lintasnya buruk, kami akan tertinggal pesawat kami
4. I wouldn’t have gotten there on time if Bella hadn’t helped me.
Terjemahan: Saya tidak akan tiba di sana tepat waktu jika Bella tidak membantu saya.
5. You wouldn’t get fired if you hadn’t insulted your client.
Terjemahan: Kamu tidak akan dipecat jika kamu tidak menghina klienmu
6. If I had known the schedule, I would have come on time.
Terjemahan: Jika dulu aku tahu jadwalnya, aku akan datang tepat waktu.
7. If he had studied in university, he would have become a great teacher.
Terjemahan: Jika dulu ia belajar di universitas, ia akan menjadi guru yang hebat.