She could not attend the class because she got a car accident (Dia tidak bisa menghadiri kelas karena dia mengalami kecelakaan mobil)
She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing to do (Dia tidak curang saat ujian, karena itu hal tindakan yang salah)
I really need to go to work but I am too sick to drive. (Aku harus pergi kerja tapi aku terlalu lemah untuk menyetir)
I am counting my calories, yet I really want dessert. (Aku menghitung kaloriku kendati aku sangat ingin hidangan penutup)
He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker.(Dia kehabisan uang sehingga dia harus berhenti main poker)
They got there early, and they got really good seats. (Mereka sampai lebih cepat dan mereka dapat tempat duduk bagus.)
They had no ice cream left at home, nor did they have money to go to the store. (Mereka tidak punya es krim lagi di rumah, juga tidak punya uang untuk ke toko.)
Ina is happy but her friend is sad (Ina bahagia namun temannya sedih)
I'm reading a book and my sister is sewing (Saya sedang membaca buku dan saudara perempuan saya sedang menjahit)
Mrs Sinta is a good teacher and every student likes her (Bu Sinta adalah guru yang baik dan setiap siswa menyukainya)